HA! It's "too late . . . Ethel" (name THAT song!); here are some more twisted lyrics to go with today's photos:

These are a few of my favorite things at . . .

Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
LOL, spreading earworms with abandon could be on the list of favorite things too!
"Earworms" -- a new word in my vocabulary!
hmmm, the only song I can think of that contains "too late" and "Ethel" is The Streak, by Ray Stevens. :-)I actually had to google it too make sure.
lol we actually had a dog named Streak when I was growing up, after the song :)...wont go into why lol
Love it!!! ;-)
I didn't have to google it - reasonably sure your quote was from Ray Stevens' "The Streak" . . .fastest thing on two feet ;-)
Ha, ha, very clever! Nothing like a smile to end my day.
Oh I just want a big ladle to scoop out some of that pear butter, a little vanilla ice cream to put it onto, and a nice big spoon. Oh, and a comfy chair. Looks wonderful!
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