Anyway, back to fuzzy things. There has been knitting. I finished my final obligation for the Pay It Forward Homemade Gift Exchange, but had to wait until Angela Rountree received it to show it to you.

Then there have been baby gift knits. I finally picked up the sleeve stitches and finished the Cabled Raglan Baby Sweater; it's waiting to be washed and have snaps and buttons sewn on.

Using the same yarn (with the same buttons in waiting), I cast on the Baby Five-Hour Sweater for baby gift #2, having seen it on Crazy Aunt Purl's blog. It took me much longer than five hours but is still a quick, easy knit. I like the proportions better, too.

While button shopping for the above, I found some German buttons I thought would look smashing on the Aran-style vest I have in the queue for me:

Who isn't a sucker for a good deal? After Brian's violin lesson last Wednesday, I stopped at Pacific Wool and Fiber in Newberg. It used to be in the next town south, and I had not visited the business since it moved many months ago. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but a "sale" sign caught my eye. When I asked which of the nearby fibers were on sale, the owner pointed me to these two colors of superwash Merino and Alpaca:

My wheel is still sitting idle; I want to spin up the second two one-ounce fiber samples Sarah sent me, and then start on another eight ounces of white alpaca. Please remind me not to look at any more tempting spinnables until I'm finished with my alpaca pact; I've got plenty to dream of someday turning into yarn as it is!
That's the fuzz for now from . . .

I know, I know...
"Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear,
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy
Was He?"
I remember that, too. I don't think it's really a song, just a cute poem.
We had a teacher in high school who was bald, and quoted that poem about him and added "...huh, Teddy Bear." Thanks for the memory walk. :)
LOL, someone beat me to the Fuzzy Wuzzy poem.
I guess poems can be considered earworms too. ;-)
What wonderful knitting, all of it! The sweaters are so darn cute. That's a beautiful grey on the merino/alpaca, I couldn't have resisted either.
Pity on the book. A Fine Fleece is one of my favorites,
I've got a sweater on the needles from it. October Frost and it was hard to chose there are so many nice ones in the book.
The sweaters are darling, especially the second one, and your scarf is fabulous!
You're doing a lot of knitting and spinning for others . . . may be time to be a little selfish and make some stuff just for you! :-)
*gasp* Adrienne, is that ALLOWED? Knitting and spinning for myself, I mean? I would feel so SELFISH!
Mostly pulling your leg here; I get a lot of satisfaction knitting for others. And of the few times I've knitted for myself, some of the results have been disappointing, which is a real "unmotivator" after all that yarn and work. I SO MUCH want the Aran vest to fit that I'm afraid to start in case it doesn't!
It's not selfish, it's self care :-) I knit for others from time to time - there are plenty of feet with socks on them knit by my hands - and I often gift people with some of my handspun. But knitting for myself is something I find quite enjoyable.
Your vest will fit - check your gauge and check it again - do a washed swatch to be sure if you're waffling about it, and then rock on. Can't wait to see it when it's done!! :-)
You outdid yourself. The sweaters look good and they are in great finish. They are really good enough for a baby gift.
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