What else could there be to report on, you say? Travel knitting, of course!

The ruffle on this little cardigan was knit at home, but I finished the rest of the body, up to the point of separating fronts and back for sleeve openings, on our weekend camping trip. Since then, I've since finished one front and am working on the back. For something that looks complicated (to me), it works up pretty fast and easy, and I think the woven ribbons pattern is just stunning! Not something I would have tackled on my own, but my friend bought the yarn and pattern and asked me to knit this up for her daughter Hannah. Now I'm really glad she did. (Put "Hannah" in the search window in the upper left corner and prepare to have your heart melt!)
There is other fiber news as well. I got my spinning tutorial yarn washed

so I can make
this cool shawl for myself. I think my version will be considerably larger, since I have a LOT of yarn and want to use it all in one project.
I also got a third fiber sample from Sara at
Punkin's Patch spun and plied (Woolliam's - the white skein):

I'm going to do the last one-ounce sample before tackling another eight ounces of the white alpaca; I want to use the four natural colors to make a Fair Isle hat or bag.
The Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival is this weekend; I'm going over on Sunday for the Shetland show - but NOT for the vendors! I must needs be on a fiber diet. After reading Aunt Purl's account of her recent move (the movers asked if she works for a yarn store; she lied and said "yes"), I had a slight panic attack about the possibility of us moving or me dying and someone discovering just how much yarn and fiber I have - not counting, of course, fiber on the hoof. It's probably not much at all by some stash standards, but it is enough to keep me busy for awhile so busy myself from my stash I must.
So solemnly sworn at . . .
Blasphemy!! No more wool? What is this 'fiber diet' that you speak of? I've never heard such nonsense! Forsooth! I shall ride to OFFF with my fiber senses alert and my wallet open, for that is my intention! lol
Ok, I'm feeling silly :)
Laura and I will be going Saturday afternoon for a meeting she has to attend, and then we will be there again on Sunday. I have to leave my phone at home as DH, ahem, broke his, so I dont know how we might get in touch... I will look for you!
OK, you cannot POSSIBLY have as much stash as I do :-D I think I'm totally at S.A.B.L.E. in both yarn and fiber :-D
Give yourself a little dispensation if something really really calls to you at the fair
You are only kidding yourself...although, if anyone could be that disciplined, it would probably be you ;-). Woolliam looks great. Did you like the Cotswold fiber?
BTW, your sweater is darling and your shawl will be fabulous.
Sara, I enjoyed Woolliam, but I am LOVING the darker Jacob! So much so that I've had to restrain myself from emailing a Jacob breeder who will be at OFFF and is open to trades to see if she has any roving! (But that wouldn't be BUYING fiber, just TRADING.) I just finished the singles and plan to ply it today.
It is interesting to me that I got twice the yardage out Boudreaux than I did from Woolliam, even though they look to be comparable two-plies (I didn't measure my yardage from the lighter Jacob). Is it because Woolliam has thicker fibers?
You are so talented Michelle. I am fascinated by spinning and knitting and crocheting. Beautiful work.
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