This is spunky little Boo, Brava's musket gulmoget ram lamb. He was born hours after and pounds smaller than his twin brother, but he's never let that slow him down or give him an inferiority complex. His tail is wooly, but his fleece is sooo soft. He would
love to be someone's fiber pet!

This is the original location of our Centaura Perennial Bachelor's Button. It resided there in the pasture near the top of our driveway for years until we decided to try and transplant it to a flowerbed. It's a spunky plant; the clump we moved is doing well, and whatever material we inadvertently left behind is filling in again.

And here's some more! When I took the trash bin to the roadside this morning (yes, we get trash service - every other week - out here in the country), I noticed some blooms just outside our fence. I had first tried to transplant a clump here, but didn't think it took. It's a great spot for a blooming perennial, so I'm pleased to see that it did!
Today has been
so soggy. The sheep were all soaked when I brought them into the fold tonight, which isn't bedded very deep because I'm out of straw. My dear husband decided they might appreciate having the heat lamp (still hanging in the lambing jug corner) plugged in, and said that when he left the barn area, several wet woolies were availing themselves of the warmth. Shetlands may be spunky, but even
they like creature comforts at times! (Why
do we call such things "creature comforts"?)
That's it for now at . . .
If only I wasn't in a different Country and haven't got enough grass, Boo would be coming home with me, he is adorable....
omg...hmm...:D No Rayna...no...no no no...but he's so cute...and he's gulmoget...but no! *sigh* lol
I wish! Oh how I wish. :-/
Little boo is boo-tiful! What a handsome little guy.
Oh, my melting heart! That little face!
Alas, I live in town where we aren't allowed to have anything but standard pets and up to four female chickens.
I must come down and get some pics. That little fella is so adorable. That face....! Brava did really well for a first time Mom!
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