Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Friday, May 29, 2009
Purple pleasure
When you look at our iris bed, you see a lot of "brown." And yellow. Not my favorite hues. But beggars can't be choosers; a neighbor thinned his bed and gave us the vast majority of these (I've purchased a couple more) - and helped me plant them all to boot! But upon closer look, there are plenty of treasures: This last one is actually in the center island, not the iris bed.
Some rhodies in coordinating hues join the show: What color gives you pleasure?
But it's lovely! I like the brown tones---they really set off the pastel colors of the others. It's been a really good year for the iris here. I got some 'freebies' too one year from a lady (seven or eight years ago) and this year I saw colors that I didn't know I had! Are you still on for your Missouri trip? Tammy
You asked how I have time to garden and do art (and also work for a living). Well, I have to say that I don't have the flower beds that you do! Those irises are magnificent! I also don't have children to raise or a family to take care of. It's just me and my animals. Truth be told, I have use of a large rototiller which helps tremendously in the preparation of the garden. When I'm preparing and planting, I start as early in the season as possible and do just a little bit every day. After the garden is prepared and planted, I probably spend no more than 1/2 hour per day, usually first thing in the morning before breakfast. It's my favorite time of the day, peaceful, quiet, and cool, often before the rest of the world has woken up. It is, "In the cool of the day".
I like the Brown ones, they remind me of garnets with the red brown coloring. I also thing the more somber color makes the others in the group really pop. I like your garden mix.
You have a wonderful variety of colours. My favorite is the purple and white two tone or the deep blue. Brown is nice as long as it does not overpower the other colours.
All your pretty iris reminds me of my grandma - she had about 1/4 acre of just iris! They were really beautiful when in bloom. Have you ever visited Aitken's Iris gardens in Vancouver - we try to stop there once in a while to get Japanese Iris. We lost a lot of them this winter! T.
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
But it's lovely! I like the brown tones---they really set off the pastel colors of the others. It's been a really good year for the iris here. I got some 'freebies' too one year from a lady (seven or eight years ago) and this year I saw colors that I didn't know I had! Are you still on for your Missouri trip?
You asked how I have time to garden and do art (and also work for a living). Well, I have to say that I don't have the flower beds that you do! Those irises are magnificent! I also don't have children to raise or a family to take care of. It's just me and my animals.
Truth be told, I have use of a large rototiller which helps tremendously in the preparation of the garden. When I'm preparing and planting, I start as early in the season as possible and do just a little bit every day. After the garden is prepared and planted, I probably spend no more than 1/2 hour per day, usually first thing in the morning before breakfast. It's my favorite time of the day, peaceful, quiet, and cool, often before the rest of the world has woken up. It is, "In the cool of the day".
Irises are some of my favorite flowers. You have a lovely blend of colors in your iris bed. I love rhodadendrons too.
I like the Brown ones, they remind me of garnets with the red brown coloring. I also thing the more somber color makes the others in the group really pop. I like your garden mix.
Irises are my very favorite flower - so they ALL look wonderful. (But I am a wee bit partial to purple...)
You have a wonderful variety of colours. My favorite is the purple and white two tone or the deep blue. Brown is nice as long as it does not overpower the other colours.
OOOh! Don't those flowers look tasty! I'd love to visit and eat them all! I wonder if purple tastes like purple? Goat kisses from Isobelle!
Beautiful irises. I have to say that I love all colors and textures in gardens. I am liking those brown ones.
All your pretty iris reminds me of my grandma - she had about 1/4 acre of just iris! They were really beautiful when in bloom. Have you ever visited Aitken's Iris gardens in Vancouver - we try to stop there once in a while to get Japanese Iris. We lost a lot of them this winter! T.
Michelle - I love the pictures of your iris' so much - I think that I'm going to plant some myself. They are gorgeous!
No Tina, we haven't been there; with two big iris growers in this area, we haven't felt the need to travel that far afield to see them!
Tammy, irises really are easy - and the deer don't eat them! (I don't think you'd like them, either, Isobelle!)
Purple! :-) So pretty.
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