Yep, that's a clown's nose and grin if I ever saw one.

And reclining like this does nothing for his dignity, either. (In his defense, it
was kind of warm in the house.)

Jackson, our lovable and lovely Aussie, is often on the move and hard to photograph. (For the above I put him in a down-stay and whispered, "
Deer!") He's more inclined to race around the house and through the accessible pastures, sometimes barking to let all the wild birds and beasts know they'd better get off his property. I wish I could capture for you the swish and swing of his pantilooned posterior as he trots ahead of me on our way back to the house!
When I saw this photo on my computer screen, it begged for a fancy texture like those
Country Girl uses on a lot of her gorgeous photos. Well, I haven't had the time to tackle the learning curve of applying fancy textures, but I did play around a little with some of the easy ones available on PhotoShop. Below is a sampling of what I came up with. Which one is
your favorite?
That's the dog at . . .
OMG ... all the pictures are amazing!! I am longing for spring flowers, thanks for sharing yours.
The last one :) definately
I love Jackson (and so does Kylie) :) He is my absolute favorite Aussie. Great pics, that's Kylies favorite pose too....laying on her back. (I always call her a hussy when she does) :) Still waiting on Valentine and Rechel....the agony of waiting is killing me!
I like the first two and the last one. Very handsome!
Our BC had one ear flopped down.
I like them all, too. :)
My favorite is the natural one. The first of the outdoor pictures. I am not one for fancy backgrounds, I love the real nature. Your dog is beautiful and so like my beloved Mandy. We were told that she was an Austrailian Shepherd but she was more redish brown and black and had no white at all. She was the best dog we ever had and we had her for over 16 years. Now she has gone we will stick with cats as we will never get another like her.
I like the black border. :)
I like your new background - my favorite so far!
I like the first one the best with the slight distortion of the background! Great picture!
I'm going plain. Your pictures are so nice, it's sort of gilding the lily...
Jackson looks great, I like the last one
Wizz :-)
I like the first picture. And I LOVE the picture of Jackson's big clown nose and cutie grin. I love those big, unapologetic dog noses. Celeste has one, too, and a raffish grin.
Of the final pose, I like the unaltered one and the first modest alteration best...
The first and last - sweet boy.
The photos are all lovely, but Jackson's gorgeous eyes and charming up/down ears make any embellishments fade in comparison to his own beauty. What a handsome boy!
Great pictures and great subject! I like the black border.
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