Lucille is back. I saw her on our property briefly week before last, but when I didn't see her again, I thought perhaps the neighbors had recaptured her. Friday, there she was again, under the big, previously-pictured-covered-with-snow fir tree. When I went to the barn to turn Russell out, she was hangin' with my girls. I can't figure her out. Surely Lucille's homies are much nicer to her than my girls were when Lucille spent a night with them; why did she come back?

Although I tried, I wasn't able to capture her without my posse, so Lucille is still on the lam. If we do apprehend her again, I think I'll tell the neighbor that her chicken sought asylum and we've granted it to her.
Meanwhile, inside the henhouse, Morgan and Tawnie were busy. The light was bright enough that I was able to get good photos without a flash, which did wonders for showing off the subtle beauty of our sweet grey Easter Egger.

Before last year I was unaware that combs come in so many shapes and sizes! I like the smaller combs on these girls, and would choose chickens based in part on this trait if it were up to me. Even in our relatively mild winter, a couple of the "big-comb" girls got a touch of frostbite.
Finally, February's parting gifts:

It seemed to last extraordinarily long for our shortest month!
Merry March, from . . .
This is such a fun post- well done!
I love the pictures of Morgan and Tawnie. Gorgeous! I also love the picture of your crocuses, and I hope by the time March is going out (like a lamb?) that I will have some peeking up in my garden too.
I so enjoy your chicken postings! This makes me want to get chickens again, they are so pretty and have such neat personalities. And the spring flowers? Oh my gosh, it was below zero here when I got up this morning. Lucky you...
Chickens are such fun to have around and the eggs are great too :)
I'm so envious of your flowers! I try real hard not to wish the time away but I hope March and April fly out of here - I need spring and blooms in the worst way.
The pictures of your girls came out nicely! We love chickens.
Oh, I like the new background! I tend to keep my monitor's brightness turned down, and couldn't read the last one well without turning it up.
Thanks for the eye relief!
Gorgeous photos, too! The Americauna is a very pretty chicken.
- Franna
Sorry the last background was hard on your eyes, Franna. I'm getting a significant amount of age-related changes in my own vision, so I understand! I intend to change my background at the first of every month; there's just so much eye candy for blogs out there now!
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