Yesterday was frustrating, what with the calendar telling me something should be happening and Inky not cooperating. The realization that she and Butter could be carrying Braveheart's lambs made it worse. Not that Braveheart is a bad ram; I've kept him, after all, because I like him very much and want to use him again. But I really wanted to see what everyone would throw when crossed with Franjean so I could compare the same ewes' offspring from two different rams, and possibly keep some of Franjean's daughters to cross with Braveheart. Besides, how could I not want more cunning gulmogets?

Today, to give my eyes something to do besides search out Inky in the pasture, I let Dinah and Bronwen out, too. Big brother Butthead, er, Browning, immediately got himself thrown in solitary by walking up and butting wee Bronwen. The rest of the introductions went copacetically.
Browning in an adjoining "pocket pasture:"

Dinah on alert!

Brava showed mild interest, and went back to grazing:

Butter was intensely interested at first, causing Dinah some consternation:

But that passed, and peace reigns:

Everyone enjoying a beautiful spring day (I wish Inky would stop enjoying and start pushing!):

Breathing deeply and repeating the Serenity Prayer at . . .

As usual all the flowers are beautiful. What a beautiful setting.
At least we have sun today.
waht a beautiful house! I think its the first 'full shot' of the house I've seen! so picturesque!
I have one AI ewe due yet. It is day 151 since the AI so you could have to wait a bit with Inky ;) My ewes lambed on day 145, 147, 148 and 149. And who knows when this girl will pop. I know its AI as the rams didn't go in with the ewes until 4 weeks later and I know Ulla will go way before that!
Good Luck!
Ha Garrett, that is not MY house, that is the neighbor's house as seen from my deck looking east! And yes, it is a beautiful house inhabited by nice people, so we don't mind looking at it.
Yesterday was day 147 from when I saw Inky covered, so maybe she's just cooking them a few extra days. Thanks for assuring me that could happen! I'm just hoping the sire is clear from the color of the lambs. The sire of Butter's lambs will be clear from when they arrive.
I hope she goes soon for you!
Waiting, think too much, waiting, that seems to be the shepherds lot in life right now! ;-) Inky could go quite a bit over her allotted time. I'm hoping with you that the babies are gulmoget so you don't have to wonder.
Tammy(Waiting here too).....
I get this long wait in June or July when my goats ?kid? I hope to have 2 pregnant goats right now. If not. my billy boy Bryan is in trouble!
POOR INKY! That belly is huge!
Inky will pop when your back is turned. ;-)
I'm starting to feel hopeful on my lamb guess :-D.
OMG what a gorgeous little gulmoget!! Congrats! C'mon Inky!!
Bronwyn is suck a cutie! Keeping my fingers crossed that there will be another bundle from Inky. She must like being pregnant so much she's taken out the 7 month plan!
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