I know,
some of you think we've already enjoyed more than our fair share, but the calendar says it's official now.

Some Shetland breeders have flashy, black-and-white spotted sheep. Me, I have a black sheep and a white sheep. Soon there will be lambs (Inky says it can't be soon enough); nothing says spring quite like bouncing lambies!

Butter is expanding
daily. Look at that little baby bump showing below her coat! The photo below is not the most flattering shot, but it shows all her pertinent parts preparing for motherhood.

Another symbol of spring is eggs. Welsie laid a doozy yesterday (that's a normal Rhode Island Red egg next to it); that had to
That's it for now at . . .
Thanks for a look at early spring. Ours is not here yet - close - but not here. I don't know how you manage to do all you do and still keep up with the blog but I am sure glad you do because I love reading about your life. Just enjoy the show and have fun - you have work enough ahead of you.
I hope you get some spotted lambs this year!
I have complete sympathy for the hen who laid the giant egg. Yowch.
What beautiful daffodils! I hope the girls don't start popping without you or Rick there.
Other than that, here's hoping you are up to your elbows in lambs soon. ;-)
I can hardly wait to see Inky's lambs! It's "Inky Watch" for me. :)
The large egg is probably a double yolk-er. That's supposed to be good luck.
Yay Spring! for you and Autumn for me:)
Can't wait to see you bouncing lambs :)
"little" baby bump? ;) and WHOA what an EGG!! Looks like the girls are earnin' their keep at your place!
There's an award for you on my blog. Hop over to collect it when you can. :-)
Re: your comment - Heh. That's what I think every time I log on and find another one. ;-)
Hi Michelle, when I see all your beautiful photos what comes to mind is "it must be nice to be you!". Loved the daffodils and I look forward to lambie pix soon. Best wishes for your Sunday show!
Lovely spring daffodil pics, there are loads now on the grass verges near us :-)
Hope "springs" eternal - pun intended. It's still brown here.
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