After a good roll in the sand, Russell had to come see if I had any cookies. (The sheet keeps his "saddle spot" clean; having a saddle and rider grind stray grains into one's hide cannot feel good!)

The ewe flock and the "picturesque,"
heavy bathtub that came with the property. Who of ewe besides Inky are growing babies?

Not ewe; ewe're no ewe! (Look how dark Browning's fleece is inside. I have decided I must be willing to sell this gorgeous lamb fleece at shearing given all the other fleeces - and lbs. of roving - I have; contact me if you're interested.)

Dinah is my easy-keeping "big-fleece sheep," but her developing udder tells me there
are lambs buried in there somewhere.

What about the two beige girls? Butter is showing a little belly below the bottom edge of her sheep suit, and is developing a definite "doughiness" to her udder; check. First-timer Brava is my mystery sheep. She
looks big, but there is a
lot of fleece there. I keep checking her udder area, but can't feel any convincing changes.

What do you think?

(Lest this post tempt you to be jealous of our beautiful weather, know that local meteorologists are saying the rain is returning tonight and will continue unabated
all next week.)
That's it for now at . . .
Rain or no rain, I still want to see some green. And......you have purple, too. Besides, rain is better than snow!
I'm not jealous of sun. we've had too much of it and have been begging and praying for rain. HAPPY days, we've had rain almost all week!! Over 2 inches!! The sun comes back just in time fro spring break.
All your sheep are just sooo fluffy. I hope all your sheep have triplets!
Russell is so handsome. I have spring break this week and one of my things I want to do is bathe Muppet. The snow has almost melted here but we still don't have any bulbs coming up. What size sheep suits do you use? I am planning to order some this year for a few of my flock and want to know if my measurements are in the right ballpark.
Shula, to give you an idea, Butter, my naked yearling is in a D, and Dinah, my full-fleeced white ewe, is in an F (Rocky Sheep Suits).
Wow. What great pictures of Russell. He has the cutest nose.
The girls are all looking good. I think Butter will have a singleton. I hope it's a ewe.
Btw, there's yet another cutesy award flitting around. I listed you for it. Come over to pick it up.
Browning's fleece is sooo pretty. And what could be more fun than watching a horse roll? Not much! Thanks for the fun photos...
I am so jealous of all the color you have already. Here, as you could see from our blog pictures, everything is still grey and brown.
Gorgeous pictures on your blog - good luck with lambing.
re: your comment- Tis a sisterhood of artists as far as I'm concerned. ;-)
Everything OK? I think this is the longest I've ever seen you wait between posts... hope you and yours are well.
Ohhhh, I want Browning! Well I guess I would settle for the fleece. Let me know when you shear. Would you trade for a Jacob fleece??? I got several of those here.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Well Eve, considering that I would love to spin up Browning's fleece myself but am worried that I'll never get to it, I probably shouldn't entertain the thought of trading ANY of my fleeces for more fleeces! I'm thinking of having Browning and his dad sheared next week (my farrier/shearer will be here March 24), though, so let me know if you are truly interested in it.
Yes, truly am interested. I lost my one and only brown purebred shetland ram. And he had been ill that year too so did not produce a nice fleece..Been looking for a reddish brown one.
Thanks for the condolences.
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