Yes indeedy, when I went down to do chores this morning (later than usual, because Brian slept in) and looked in on the sheep, Rechel was in the back corner with two mostly dry lambs! I don't think they were very old from the looks of their navels, and Rechel still hasn't completely expelled her afterbirth. I got busy and put up a pallet to create a lambing jug, spread clean, dry straw over the old bedding, fed and watered everyone, and checked the lambs more closely to see what we had. Both boys have leathery patches and maybe slight bumps at their horn sites. Nothing like the giant horn buds Bobby was born with; I guess time will tell whether either one has inherited a poll gene from Braveheart. And of course, both boys are as cute as can be!

I didn't have names or a theme picked out ahead of time, except that I'm sticking with names that start with B. But this morning as I was heading to the barn, the predicted weather front had moved in with a vengeance, blowing rain mixed with snowflakes (followed within the hour with some bright sunshine!). So, for now at least, the black/grey ramling is Blizz, and the brown/musket is Bluster.
That's it for now at . . .

Love the names! And the white cap is adorable.
Omigosh! I read your comment on my blog, rushed to yours, and the sharp intake of my breath startled David so much, he didn't know if something wonderful or terrible had happened until he looked at my face. Wow, congratulations! You thought Rechel would lamb first. And such interesting colors! I love their little toupees! I love the names! I love everything! Hooray!
So they look big, how much do they weigh?
I don't think I could be more excited if they were my own! Oh, happy day!
Very cute babies, and given I call my farm Storm Warning, and all of my bunnies have weather related names, I love your name choices! You called it when you said she would go when your husband was gone. Congratulations!
Way cute babies! Congratulations!
Time will indeed tell with the horn buds...you may have some great rams, or in the very least a wether for Braveheart's company.
I'll bet you're wlaking on air! :)
CONGRATS Michelle! They always seem to lamb on those days that the chores a bit later than ususal :) I have one black ewe, Cori who may produce triplets for me today....she's been pacing and getting up and down....a watched pot never boils....:)
congrats again! How cute!!
very cute babies. Nice little facial markings too.
I still have two to go....ugh I'm just ready for it to be over...
SOOO cute! I have a weakness for the browns of all shades..but they are both adorable.
Congrats Michelle! So very cute, and you've been waiting a long time for little lambs. I love it when you find them fine and almost dry and momma doing her thing. They are indeed very cute. Nice markings on them as well. The little musket is esp. striking. Two more to go here as well. Tammy
Congratulations Michelle! I love that brown one. How awesome.
Congratulations Michelle, and great photos of your two little cuties.
Finding them dry and up nursing in the morning is the way to go. Good job, Rechel!
Baby lambies!!! They are both so, so handsome, Michelle. I'm very excited for you. Wish I could see them in person, but your photos make me feel like I am :-)
Yay! Thanks for the neat photos, Michelle!
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