Today the little boys discovered the joys of a shepherd's attentions. Bluster Brown was particularly appreciative of my scratches on his neck, where his curls are still stiff. But since I don't want to make pets of them in case they are sold as rams, I was thinking how nice it would be if Dinah and Valentine give me girls - that I can spoil rotten! I do want a wether for a companion for Braveheart (who can also safely be with the open/young girls when Braveheart is doing his job each fall), but I don't want to doom an otherwise good ram by making him too friendly before his destiny is clear.
If I were to be as objective as possible, I would say that Blizz has the more consistent fleece and better overall structure, but Bluster is softer to the touch. Bluster is going to fade fast, I think, as he is clearly Ag (the abbreviation for the fading agouti gene) from his nose to his scrotum. Isn't he a cute little bugger?
In knitting news, I have finished the first sleeve of the Sari silk Sonnet and have started on #2. I may be able to wear it this spring yet! Our temperatures are staying below average, that's for sure.
That's it for now at . . ,

Great pictures. I know what you mean about lovin' up the boys. I had triplet rams last year. Boy, was it hard to not love them up.
Yes, I have been waiting for more pictures, thinking I would see no more newborns, ha, ha.
They really are darling.
And BTW, Seamus has no discernible horn buds, just a hair swirl, and McLovin has nothing at all (but with his white ears but no sugar lips, I assume he's Ag).
TWO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Michelle!
Yay! Babies are so fun! I really like it when I show up and the waiting and the work is already over, thats the best kind of lambing :)
It's hard not to want to hug, scratch, and love the boys, isn't it? I have drilled the instructions of "No petting on the head at all!" to the DH so we don't have a repeat of last year, having to have a good ram prospect wethered 'cause someone kept petting him between the horns! (sigh) At least it was with good intentions and I can't complain as he had enough on his plate with the shepherd confined to the house.
Thanks for sharing!
I must be missing something. I take extra pains to make sure the boys are scratched and friendly, but I start them out from the very first to be respectful, no climbing or butting or such. I dunno.
Michele, when does Rick get back I want and update on the Great Pigeon Wars of 08.....
What a couple of cuties! Congrats on two healthy lambs. :) I have a ram lamb in the barn now that is such a sweetie I'm having a hard time not lovin' on him too much. Better go round up the ewe lambs...
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