My, oh my, what a wonderful day! No, there wasn't plenty of sunshine, but a cool, cloudy day suits me just fine. Today was the first of McMinnville's 2007 Brown Bag Concert Series, with one of my favorite pianists and composers, Michael Allen Harrison, opening the season as usual. Brian had a hard time behaving, but I enjoyed the concert anyway -- AND finished the second sleeve on his BSJ! After the concert, Rick met us for lunch. Then Brian left with Daddy for the rest of the day, leaving me unencumbered to meet with a client, do my errands, and even do a little shopping at the weekly Farmers Market just for fun! I can't remember last when I had some time like that, and it was WONDERFUL. Besides a variety six-pack of basil plants for our garden, I treated myself this fused glass candle holder. It's one of those things you have to hold in the light and examine at all angles to truly appreciate, but I've done my best to catch its beauty on camera....

When I got home, there was a package from New York awaiting me at the front door. New York? I don't know anyone in New York, and I couldn't remember purchasing anything off of eBay lately. Well, upon opening the box I remembered I DO know someone in New York, one of my cyber-friends thanks to Shetland sheep. In the enclosed note, Melanie wrote, "I have noticed of late that you are doing lots of nice little things for people around you, so it's time for you to get something . . . ." And carefully cushioned with biodegradable "peanuts" was this jewel-like bottle of maple syrup that the Woodleys made THEMSELVES, from their own sugar maples.

For the record, you can't outgive good friends. Melanie credits me for doing lots of nice little things for people, but I think every one of those people have done nice things for me first. I'm just trying to keep up!
That's it for now at . . .

You are VERY welcome. I am enjoyong sharing so much with my "cyber-friends" (stories, ideas, gifts, and best of all the relationships...) Every day, reading the blogs are the "juice" that keeps me going.
And thanks to Lauren - again!
YOu guys are great.
Isn't that wonderful! What a nice thing to do! You know...most of these Shetland people are pretty nice. ;-)
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