My cell phone and mind have been busy the last couple days with talk and thoughts of sheep. Not sheep in general, but specific Shetlands in Arizona that
could make a one-way trip to Oregon this month and join my tiny flock. Trying to make evaluations and decisions long-distance. Knowing I haven't "made room" for new ones by selling others like I promised myself I must. Rationalizing that I could add the two lambs I
didn't get from my sweet Valentine. Realizing Rick probably won't be happy if I buy more sheep. Weighing the options and costs for a flock sire this fall. Reviewing my flock goals. Praying for wisdom - a LOT of that.
I've made a tentative decision, and am waiting on one last phone call to finalize it. While you are waiting (with baited breath, I'm sure), here's the last bearded iris blooming at Boulderneigh:

That's it for now at . . .
Oh, boy - exciting news...
Yes, those are Japanese Iris - there is a HUGE stand of them at the Japanese Gardens in Portland that are just beautiful at this time of the year. They take up one whole corner of the garden that we can see from the family/dining room so it is just wonderful when they are in bloom. There is also a world renowned iris grower, Aikens, or something like that in Vancouver Wash. We always try to stop by when we go to Black Sheep, but alas, we won't be going this year, so we'll miss seing their gardens too.
Looking forward to seeing what you decide for your flock. T.
Michelle - I too agonize over the flock management and improvement decisions. But that is half the fun, right? Sometimes I look back and realize I did some stupid (or at least a little less than brilliant) stuff and other times I look back and see that I did something right. So fun...all the choices and decisions. So nice of God to give us the opportunity to be stewards of such lovely animals!
I never thought about being a "steward" of this breed, but Becca is so right! As reputable breeders, it's our job to make sure what we do does right to this wonderful breed of our "little" sheep.
What the heck? Two more Sheep to love, and, since I got all mine from the same breeder and have had no major issues other than Leroy's horn, I say go for it.
I'll be eager to read what you decide.
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