This morning I finally remembered to check the lambs' gums and tongue color. The ram lamb's are light pink, the ewe lamb's slightly darker pink. For comparison I first checked my other four girls; the white ewe is pale pink, the Ag grey yearling is slightly darker pink, her Ag grey dam is a bit duskier still with obvious spots, and my "mystery brown" ewe is a deep rosy brown (indicating -- I think -- that she IS actually moorit). Should I assume, based on this additional information, that both my lambs are Ag, and therefore musket? Oh, and the ewe lamb has white hairs in her ears, but no other signs of fading/greying at this point.
I'm hoping to learn from all of you, register my lambs, and then just relax and spin the wool from my lovely sheep -- whatEVER color they are!
Awaiting more input at . . .
Relax to enjoy your sheep? You? Never! I'll believe it when I see it! :)
You silly girl, I do it every day. :-) Just got back from sitting with the lambs for awhile after riding Russell. They took grain from Brian's and my hands for the first time! We're making progress....
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