Rick came home late last night bearing a box of local strawberries. So tender and sweet they practically melt in your mouth -- no chewing required. That wonderful tenderness is the reason you only see them in farm stands and farmers markets for a short time each year. Well, we sat down at the table to catch up on each other's day and each ate a pint of the luscious things. This morning, Brian and I each ate another pint for breakfast. I have four cups of fresh rhubarb in the fridge, so I really should get my rear in gear and make a strawberry-rhubarb pie for Rick. I HATE making pie crust, but for my honey, I'll do it once in a great while. Hmm, maybe I should make a rhubarb custard pie instead and save the strawberries for eating fresh....

The other thing on the move this morning was this fawn. Brian and I watched twins frolic (much like lambs) from the window this morning; then I went to the barn to do chores, taking my camera just in case. Mama Black Tail and the more cautious fawn disappeared into the stand of trees quickly. This bolder fellow had wandered farther away, giving me enough time to snap his picture before he caught up with his family.
That's it for now at . . .
I tried to get photos of our Rats-With-Antlers yesterday when the camera was giving me fits. We've had 5 bachleors in the back field off and on for a month now - each time they make an appearance their antlers are bigger.
Let's just hope they stay on THEIR side!
Michelle - The Land'o Lakes web site has the BEST recipe for Crumb topped Rhubarb Pie -(that way you only have to make a bottom crust - better yet - there's always pillsbury) - Anyhow, I substituted strawberries for half of the rhubarb (they were good tasting california berries - I can't wait til our local ones are ripe!) and used a little less sugar than it called for (as a matter of fact, I think I used 1/2 Splenda when I made it) ANYHOW, it was the best pie I've had in ages -
Here's the link to that recipe page. :-) Tina
I know you guys call them rats-with-antlers but the photos of them in their natural setting, like the one you featured, call me to more rural settings and wide open spaces. Just lovely. I hope some day to see it in person.
I don't suppose you could send a slice of that strawberry rhubard pie my way. Yum!
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