In her comment on my last post, Kathy accused me of being incapable of relaxing to enjoy my sheep. Well, I don't know what kind of person she thinks I am, but sitting with my sheep, petting them and seeing their faces overcome with bliss is my therapy! I think part of the reason "sheep therapy" is so effective is that it involves most of the senses: feeling their soft fleeces, seeing their beautiful faces, smelling that lovely "sheepy" smell, and hearing the quiet cud-chewing. Even us "busy bee" types stop and smell the wild sweetpeas once in awhile. :-)
However, this morning with my sheep was anything but relaxing. On Sunday my husband, a new convert to hog panel fencing (finally!), fenced off the long bank between our barns and the arena so the sheep could "mow" it. Yesterday I haltered the three oldest girls and took them out to the new buffet; Bella followed. This morning I repeated my actions -- but Bella did not repeat hers. Instead of following the "ladies," she went the other direction -- towards the quarantine quarters. I scrambled to secure the other three girls and then ran screaming, "Don't go there, you'll break quarantine!" Fortunately, I averted any nose-to-nose contact and got her headed in the right direction, but she refused to go where the other girls were. Eventually she ran back into the fold, where I had to do a full-body tackle in order to get a halter on Bella and lead her out to join the others. That plus the rest of the chores took all the time I had before Rick left for work, so I will have to go out later for "sheep therapy" with the lambies. They are settling down, and will actually take grain from my hand now. I think I'll halter them and take them for a walk-about for some exercise, fresh salad, and halter-training.
Speaking of my friend Kathy, you know if you followed the link above that she is at Flagstaff Medical Center today having back surgery. I'm waiting for a call to tell me she's off the table as I type. Heal fast, friend; may the surgery bring a great and lasting improvement in your comfort level!
That's it for now at . . .

You make me feel so much better knowing that one other thing we share is the sport of sheep tackling. I have done more than my share with sheepies who won't follow the "plan", and then go off without a halter...
Bella simply wanted to see what kind of sheep you thought you were bringing on the place...
I just meant that you're always so busy doing so many things that to hear you say you're relaxing just didn't seem to fit. :) And it was meant in a jokingly friendly tone. Too bad computers can't transmit expression in emails & posts.
Well, back to bed for me. Gee...I could get used to all this attnetion from my DH! ;)
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