Yesterday after church, Brian and I came home (Rick was on call and had emergencies) and took Rechel and the lambs out to join the other ewes in the sheep lot. Brava started to be confrontational, so I chased her off a couple times. After that things settled down to an acceptable level, so Brian and I just sat awhile enjoying the sheep.

While I watched Dinah, the next one due, for lambing signs, Brian tried, unsuccessfully, to coax the lambs to come close enough to pet.

Ah well, Valentine is always good for some sheepie love!

Little Bluster continues to be the cutest thing on Boulderneigh at the moment.

Outside the sheep lot I noticed that besides "Tahiti," three other varieties of daffodil have opened,

and the Royal Anne cherry trees are beginning to blossom.

But enough leisure; we had a wedding rehearsal to go to! A friend had asked Brian to be her Bible boy; he took his job seriously.

This morning I got to attend a dressage clinic at DevonWood conducted by Sue Blinks, one of our nation's former and probably future Olympic equestrians. You've seen a bit of DevonWood's grounds in past posts about Russell's and my show adventures; here's a photo showing part of the indoor arena:

The clinic was inspiring and made me want to go home and get on my horse, but there was no time for that. I had to dash home, change, gather up Brian's clothes, and head to the church to get Brian ready for photographs and the wedding. He was pretty tickled to have his first "real" necktie - not just one of those clip-on little-boy ties.

With all the sitting around I got to do last night and this afternoon as "mother of the Bible boy," I finished the second sleeve of the Sonnet. Woo hoo! Now all I have to do is assemble it and sew on the buttons, and I'll have a colorful new cardigan to wear!
That's a LOT for now from . . .
The sheep and the flowers are beautiful!
Do you have anything that's not beautiful???!!! Lovely lambs, lovely sheep, lovely flowers, and handsome Bible boy! God job.
What a great photo of the first real tie :-) I saw the first crocus buds yesterday - but they weren't at my house. Everything's still very very wet, but at least it's not snowing anymore :-D
Love that Bluster lamb!
Rechel looks so proud in that first picture :)
Love your little lambs. They are the depiction of innocence, aren't they. Mim's has lost a couple of new lambs and is waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak, with more pregnant ewes in waiting. If the problem continues, it's been suggested to her that it might be a problem with recessive genes. Shetlands do come from a very shallow gene pool.
Bluster is the cutest creature in creation, I vow, and that arena looks like a temple dedicated to the worship of equus...
Love your flowers photos Michelle! Our tulips are about 4 inches high and made it through the snowstorm last week. Very cute lambs and Bible boy. You are a busy lady!
All your boys (two and four legged) are getting so big! And thanks for the flowers...it's so nice to see spring - even if it is somewhere else.
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