If it weren't for the uneasy feeling that summer might be right around the corner, this weekend was practically perfect. On Saturday after church and dinner with friends at my MIL's house, we all went to a wildlife refuge for a nature walk – with the added bonus of a pretty sunset.
Nonchalantly eating clover beside the path |
We didn't get to see any bald eagles this visit |
Sunday Rick and I tackled a lot of outdoor tasks – pruning, weeding, cleaning up winter 'tree debris,' starting the burn pile – and tilling the garden! The tiller was borrowed from one of Rick's clients, so after using it here Rick took it back, and picked up a variety of lettuces and some onion starts to plant. It was a long, tiring,
satisfying day.
I dug up my parsley from the garden and rehabbed my herb barrel |
I grubbed out blackberries and tree shoots in the foreground while Rick tilled |
Hauling off apple branches; we pruned our three mature trees |
I pruned that flowering plum |
The horses 'fiddled' while Rick burned ;-) |
Chuckie enjoyed the sunshine, too, but in a much less, um,
industrious fashion. 😆
He is feeling better, but that rear left foot is still bothering him.
That wraps up March at . . .
How was your weekend?
Our weekend was just about the same as yours, with the exception that I haven't tilled the garden yet. The debris pile is pretty tall, however. We can't burn until the wind dies down some. Just love that Chuckie! Did you ever see what he was fighting with? Remember to pace yourself... our bodies are still coming awake from winters slumber!
'Cat' and 'Industrious' should never be used in the same sentence. Or even in the same universe. Ha. They are not dogs, after all. Good forbid!
Good gracious, you got a LOT done. Yep, it's a "good" tired after work like that. Your tilled up garden looks so good. Will be a while, as you know, before we see anything like that around here. But, in good time. Oh, to have some lettuce starts out there and growing!
Glad to hear Chuckie's on the mend. That's probably why he didn't jump up to help you and Rick . . . he didn't want to stress himself yet. ;o]
We are still a week or two behind you, but the spring work has started. I need to get my seeds ordered!
And a lovely day it was, all around. Sometimes I miss that kind of day, and then I wake up. :) Around here its a constant battle with the squirrels to try to keep them out of my Japanese maple tree. They are eating it up!! Who knows what it'll look like this year because they are devouring the buds.
That was quite a day! You got a lot of work done!
I hope Chuckie's foot gets completely healed!
No, wyomingheart, we don't know what he fought with although it sounded like a "cat fight" so I figured it was another cat. However, so many other injuries have slowly become apparent that I'm not sure they are all from that night.
Elaine, perhaps our conception of cats is because they are most active at night, when we aren't awake to watch them.
Since the rain returned as soon as Rick was done, I'll probably have more weeds than lettuce when I can get back in the garden!
Ah, but you have a GREENHOUSE, Sara! Trying not to be jealous....
Oh no, FFG! I would be on the war path if something was eating up my beloved Japanese maples!
Jeanne, his back foot seems better but now he's favoring his right FRONT foot! Can't seem to make any headway on his overall health, and he's losing weight. I'm going to get some wet food to tempt him to eat more.
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