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Who's going to be our neighbor? |
"Neighbors" seems to be the theme around here lately. First of all, the five acres on our north property line has been seeing a lot of [noisy] activity for the past couple weeks. Bulldozers pushing over trees, a well-drilling rig grinding away, a gravel truck, workers yelling back and forth to each other. At first we figured someone had finally bought the lot, but now we think that it's just being developed to make it more saleable. We're bummed; if someone builds there we will be surrounded on all four sides. We would have bought it ourselves long ago if we could have, just to have a buffer. But land here comes at a high price, and I am grateful for what we have. I always have been, but our blessings have been driven home even more the last couple days.
Late last week, my neighbor lady to our east called. She wondered if Brian would be willing and available on Sunday to help entertain the only child of a family staying with them for the month, and told me some things about them. I assured her that Brian would be willing if he was available, but I didn't know when he and Rick would be back. She thanked me and hung up, but I kept thinking.
The parents had both emigrated from Slovakia as young adults, met and married here, became citizens and had a daughter. Then both were laid off from their jobs (the husband had worked at a printing company with my neighbor's husband) and had health issues that needed medical attention, so they decided to move back to Slovakia. Just Wednesday, after three years, they returned with just a few suitcases and the clothes on their backs, hoping to find work and an apartment.
That's a lot of upheaval in a young girl's life. I called my neighbor lady back. Did the girl like horses? Would she like to come up and meet ours; maybe even ride? Oh my, yes and YES!
So on Sunday morning, the neighbor escorted mom, dad and daughter to our barn, and I put the girl on Brian's pony. She was back again for another ride today, then she, Brian and her dad went on a bike ride and played catch while her mom and I chatted over coffee.
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Coming up for a visit; sometimes it's hard to get past the welcoming committee! |
I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of each other for the next couple weeks; Brian is already hoping they can find work and a place to live nearby. He would have enjoyed the neighborhood picnic that a different neighbor hosted Sunday afternoon; there were three boys about his age there. But since he and his dad weren't back from their backpack trip yet, I went as the sole representative of our family – and had an enjoyable time.
Oh, and while visiting this afternoon, my guest and I were 'joined' by another visitor:
My guest was surprised; she thought vultures only lived in the desert southwest. I grabbed my camera – and got lucky!
That's it on neighbors for now from . . .
Well, great picture of the buzzard. Usually we only see them riding the thermals or gathered like morticians around a road kill.
Nice that Brian has a close playmate for these last days of summer. How tough for the family though. What wonders a pony and some support can do for the soul though....
You are and have good neighbors. At home and on the web too, now that I think about it :-).
I sure hope your future neighbors are as nice as your present neighbors. And I have to say that you are such a fine representation of what 'neighbor' should mean. I'm sure that the guest family thoroughly enjoys your company and that of your family (including horses, sheepies and dogs!)
That's the way I've always seen vultures, too, Theresa. I was so surprised to see it land in a tree near the house like that!
Thank-you, Sara. Most of our neighbors are wonderful. We do worry about the well being drilled next to us, as our well is small (4-5GPM) and couldn't sustain another one on the same vein or aquifer.
Susan, living here and having the animals is a blessing, and I do feel compelled to share our blessings when possible. I'm off to get the horses ready and offer Michelle (yes, we share a name as well as a love of horses) another ride on Breezy. :-)
Sounds like the whole thing was meant to be! What a great neighbor you are to have offered to let that little gal have the chance to ride. You are a kind-hearted soul Michelle.
dearest Michelle...you can not offer a helping hand to others without helping yourself in some small way also...that is how God fashioned us. You are a true angel to that little girl and her family...I remember how my love for horses got me through a tough time in my childhood...a daily escape just to be near them and smell their smell, collect the tail hair from the fence posts where they rubbed themselves and fashioned a real pony tail after the summer months gleenings.
Bless all your lives....Karla
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