Since last night, different picture poems have been repeating on my computers. I'm finally accomplishing a much-needed back-up of my MacBook (onto my old PowerMac, which has turned into my external hard drive) thanks to a handy little gadget my husband picked up. The screensaver on my MacBook is Beach, and the screensaver on my PowerMac is Forest. As I check in on the back-up progress, my eyes are always drawn to the soothing greens and mysterious depths of the Forest; the bright sun and blue of the Beach somehow jar my senses. Maybe if we were having our usual winter rainfall I'd react differently, but I really don't think so. The beach scenes cycling through the screensaver are those of a vacation destination, a place for leisure. I guess some people dream of laying around somewhere with nothing to do; after a very short time that would be a form of torture to me. This is as it should be; I don't find any evidence in the Bible or nature that God created us to be idle!
This morning during worship, Rick prayed for growth. I almost snorted with laughter, but kept my reaction to a silent smile. You see, things have been rough around here for awhile now. We are doing our best to trust in God and encourage one another, but it's not easy. But tough times are God's "growth medium"! When we desire growth, God doesn't just sprinkle us gently with a heavenly watering can, He sends wind - sometimes gale force winds! - to strengthen us. That is the only way we can become strong like the mighty trees of the forest, rather than remaining spindly greenhouse starts.

I am so very thankful that God is my Shepherd and my Fortress - and thankful for my sheep (and other blessings) that remind me of this daily.
That's it for now from . . .
Aw, if only...........life isn't about what we want sometimes, but about what we get. And I think you have been blessed with riches that can't be measured by a bean counter.
I love you steadfast faith, it's inspiring. Thank you for this post.
Love that beach scene and would like to be sitting in that chair now. As to praying for growth...be careful what you pray for -smile-. Thank you, Michelle, for putting the Wife to Widow button on your blog.
Ah, but remember Michelle ~ even God rested on the seventh day! Lounging on the beach, enjoying the sunshine and the surf are truly gifts to be enjoyed.
I'm sorry to hear that things have been difficult. You're right though ~ these are the times that make us stronger and even better people. Your faith will see you through...
Thanks, Kelly.
Sandra, my mom always said that - be careful what you pray for!
Oh yes, Nancy, the Sabbath rest is my lifesaver; I really don't know how people survive without observing it! However, even on Sabbath I am rarely "idle;" it's the perfect time to build relationships (with God, people and animals) and enjoy nature. I'm not opposed to occasional lounging, it's just not my dream to spend a LOT of my time that way. There are just too many other enjoyable ways to spend my time!
Oh, my, I read this on Friday night, and I really needed this today. We had a stressful week aound here, and your post has brought me a little peace.
Praise the Lord, Mary Ann!
Just had to share a link to this post by the Yarn Harlot:
I think some of us are just wired for "active relaxation"!
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