• We had our carpets cleaned yesterday. NOT good weather or timing for it, but we had it done as a partial trade-out with one of Rick's clients. It was the first job they've had all month. Rick's business is only marginally better.
• My sister's baby is D.U.E. Been there; sympathize with that. Come out, come out, whoever you are!
• I am poised to fly to Texas to meet said baby. Again, not good timing for that. Why couldn't he have arrived a couple weeks before I started Textiles 101?
• I am not getting my minimum weekly requirement of saddle time. A little time on a little horse's bare back this morning helped - a little.
• I'm on the last chart of my Celaeno shawl/scarf. Navy yarn with silver strands is very difficult to photograph accurately.
• Two of my ewes are obviously expecting. One is not obvious. Not expecting?
• Sheep-cuddling is good for the soul. Make that souls. Yes, animals have souls.

That's it for today from . . .

Thank goodness for sheep cuddling. That can cure whatever ails you. Boy, you have a lot going on! I'm very glad you are all okay in this terrible weather. I hope it moves on and it's smooth sailing from here on in. Congrats on your almost-new nephew!
What wonderful sheep cuddling photos! I can almost FEEL their luxurious wool...
So glad you are high and dry! I was wondering about your weather and how you all would fare....quite snuggly, I see!
Of course sheep have souls, all animals do! :)
You have to admit we had quite the extended fall though. Our weather isn't much better. 10 inches of snow now heavily saturated deep slush with rivlets of water underneath. Quite the mess.
Glad you got a little horse time and good luck tomorrow!
Loving your gully girls! Really beautiful flock as always. I hear ya about not getting enough saddle time. I'm sore the next day when I ride at the moment, just not getting out frequently enough. Hope all is well with your sister and the new little one x
Your are as stir-crazy as we, only we're so tired today we're not moving much!
You are so right. Nothing like a sweet sheep to cure what ails you. Was doing a little sheep cuddling myself earlier.
Soooo, do tell. Who is definitely expecting and who's the question mark? I have some of the same in my flock.
Here's wishing for better economic times! Thank goodness for bartering.
We are also wet, but safe. There are low spots on the property that are still full of water, but critters and humans are okay. Love your pictures...
Susan, the weather has moderated SOME. But wet is better than frozen, right?
Thanks, Nancy; I AM expecting my nicest clip yet thanks to this group of sheep!
Thanks, sis! :-)
Theresa, watch the other blog for a report on today. It was interesting - and hopeful!
I love the gully faces, too, Jenny - although having a katmoget, finally, is wonderful as well. Here's to more saddle time for both of us soon!
I'm glad our hoses and buckets aren't frozen, Mary Ann, but the mud is yucky.
Denise, I'm still tickled that you have your own little flock now. :-)
Franna, Sarai is the one keeping me guessing. Annabelle and Marta are def. PG.
Thanks, Ruth. Glad you didn't blow away!
I love their faces. Their such affectionate sheep, it that's possible. I love hearing them call.
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