After having to forego a picnic on the beach Sabbath, and coffee with a different girlfriend yesterday, I was getting a little worried about whether or not today's plans would happen. But hallelujah, a long anticipated beach ride with Wanda Jenkins came to pass! She arrived around 9:00, and after meeting the dogs and sheep we loaded up our stuff along with Russell and Breezy and headed down the road to Lincoln City.

We played dualing cameras-

acted as horsey ambassadors -

and enjoyed watching a surprising number of these -

It was a wonderful excursion, thanks in large part to Wanda's most pleasant company. Conversation was easy and uplifting, with lots of shared beliefs and experiences.
And just in case you were wondering, I also took delivery of a (yes, another) lovely Jenkins Turkish spindle. Photos later; my camera's battery died at the beach and is recharging. Now I must go and do the same (recharge, not die!).
That's my report on a wonderful day, from . . .

Looks like lots of fun. The horses are absolutely gorgeous. My last beach ride involved a very energetic (hyper) Mustang/Arab cross, a runaway gallop and a busted rein. Proud to say I didn't go off, but it wasn't relaxing at all.
Ooo a beach ride, how gorgeous. Russell looks stunning! Does he enjoy a good blast across the sands? Danny squeals as his feet touch the beach! Looks like you had a lovely time :o)
Nice to see you out riding with Russell...
Oh Michelle, what a wonderful day! So glad to see Russell really out and about. I'm thinking that sand is good for the physical therapy if not over done and certainly getting away from the barn and farm to such a lovely coast line is good for everybody's spirits.
BTW, Russell is looking quite handsome and Breezy is adorable.
What a nice day!!! Russell looks good. Glad he was able to make the trip :-).
Jealous!!!! What a lovely day.
Thanks, everyone; it really was wonderful to have an outing with my big guy! There was no blasting down the beach, intentional or unintentional; he's not physically ready for that much activity yet and he seemed to know it. He was reluctant to move out even at the walk, so it was definitely the most slow, sedate beach ride I've ever been on. Still wonderful, though!
I'll have more photos on my dressage blog soon; Wanda sent some she took of us so more photos of Russell.
Good to see Russell looking so good. Does he just bobbing his head in the first photo or have you 'collected' him (is that the right word?). Is Breezy the pony you bought for Brian? I seem to remember something from long ago - you aquired Breezy, then realized you knew him, and were having some misgivings. How has he worked out?
Deb, you have a good eye and a good memory! Yes, Russell was bobbing his head a LOT; I'm surprised he wasn't blurry in the photos the bystander took for us. And Breezy IS the pony we bought for Brian, actually just two years ago. Yes, she was a pony one of my students rode for lessons years ago; she was ring-sour then and is still, but is a very good trail pony.
What a great day! I love the beach, even seeing someone else's photos of it :) Glad you had a wonderful day!
Looks like a great day! So glad your plans worked. I have fond memories of riding on the beach, such a wonderful feeling!
What a wonderful, magical, mystical place to go for a ride! Can you just go there when ever you want?
I should think that walking in wet sand would be excellent for strengthening Russell's leg.
I can't think of a better way to spend a day...
Nancy, life gets in the way of going very often; remember, I AM a full-time "school" teacher along with a part-time business of my own and helping some with Rick's. But Oregon's beaches are all public-access, so in that regard, one can use them whenever one can!
And you're right; it's one of the best ways to spend a day. (-:
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