That's what this geranium variety is called, according to my husband's client who gave him the start. It has flourished in a pot on our deck, filling in with foliage and blooming profusely. I've never been all that fond of geraniums, but I must say that this one has charmed me. ❤
It was a working Sunday for our red Ford farm pick-up; it hauled two loads of oak rounds and two loads of third-cutting orchard grass hay. Rick did the majority of the heavy lifting, with some help on the wood from Brian and on the hay from me. He was grumbling about the number of sheep we have (a goodly amount of the third-cutting is for them), even though he and Brian claim the three unused horses that stand around eating and pooping and don't do a thing to offset their expenses. There, I've grumbled in return so now we're even. ☺

Jackson got sick over a week ago, presumably from eating junk and giving himself pancreatitis. After sub-Q fluids, he improved - then got worse again. After a few days on metronidazole, he improved - then got worse again. Yesterday he was the sickest he's been - all day, poor pup. I gave him a big dose of Pepto Bismol last night, which he hated, but this morning he is somewhat better.
That's it for now from . . .
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Jackson is still doing poorly. I hope he's up to his normal self soon.
I hope you have it licked - vis a vis Jackson. Sounds like you are well on your way to getting set for winter! IS there such a thing as too many sheep? Hmmmm.
Sorry to hear about Jackson. I just went through this with Paisley. It took almost 3 weeks for her to get back to normal. Lots of ups and downs. The trick for her seemed to be 1/2 a Pepcid a day and Prescription ID food. No fun! Hope he is feeling better soon!
Poor pup! Hope the pink junk did the job. I gave that to baby goats once and they liked it!
Shannon, I need to pick up some Pepcid and give that a try; the small animal vet I took him to suggested that.
Sorry he's still under the weather. Hope the pepcid does the trick. Isn't Pancreatitis partially due to excess fat in the diet? Of course, you probably know that anyway - to whom do I think I'm talking!!
Oh... poor baby. Hope he's feeling better. I love the geranium. They are my favorite thing to grow 'cause you can just break a piece off, stick it in the ground and it will grow.
Oh, poor Jackson - I hope he is feeling better now. T.
Oh poor Jackson...Could he have eaten something that is still kicking around in his gut unable to pass I wonder? And bully for you, it does the spirit good to grumble once in a while! ;)
Poor Jackson. Poor Mom.
That geranium is gorgeous. Wish I could come steal a start.
We were referred to you because one of our dogs was diagnosed with pancreatitis this week. This is our first experience with it, though we've faced worse illnesses lately. Still, I'll be checking back often to see how Jackson is doing.
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