...my 48-year-old husband had a heart attack that shocked the pants off everyone but me (and maybe both our moms). I am so very thankful he got a wake-up call instead of a curtain call; so thankful that he is still my husband, Brian's daddy, our provider. Here's to 27 more years of marriage!
That's it for today from . . .
I'm rooting for both of you! It's a frightening experience for sure. Good care, good love and healthy living will keep you both in good stead.
May God continue to bless you with each other.. May every day.. even the hard ones be treasured. Because despite what I blog I try hard to treasure my treasures.. I find hope and comfort in your continued happiness.. (hope that is not creepy or anything)
black sheep
Thank-you, Susan and Melanie (and no, not at all creepy, Melanie!).
So you are feeling blessed today too. Isn't it wonderful to just look at something and sigh from the wonder of it?
Thank you for sharing a milestone that brings a smile to my face..(not the heart attack, the still being here thing).
Here, Here!
So glad it turned out as it did....here's to 27 more!
Thank God for wake-up calls. Congrats!
Twenty-seven years more with good health for all of you! Is Rick doing better about exercising?
What a shocker! So glad he is well now!
Thank God, and I'll say a special prayer for both of you tonight.
So very lucky . . . :-)
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