One must always "pay" for a day off, and after the lovely beach ride, I had to put my nose on the grindstone before my guys returned Thursday night. Today, of course, it's back to the full-time job of "school teacher" on top of everything else, and no more quiet solitude. But I
am glad to have my guys home - a Minnesota mountain of stinky, wet laundry notwithstanding. :-p
When Wanda met me here for our beach ride, she brought with her a spindle I had reserved.

I saw this one's twin on the Jenkins Ravelry forum and my heart melted over the precious symbolism of its carvings, reinforced by the use of olivewood for the arms. I emailed Wanda and told her I'd be in trouble if Ed made another one like that - and she told me he already had! I immediately spoke for it, and she brought it with her. It exceeds all my expectations in appearance and performance; now I
must stop looking at all the pretties posted on the internet!
Speaking of pretties, my mini-Kleio (scarf instead of shawl) is coming along slowly:

I'm going to have a nice little selection of scarves/shawlettes to warm and accessorize with this winter!
That's it for now from . . .