Yesterday morning while the dogs were outside, Jackson started barking. Brian went to the front door to check out what he was barking at, and there was a little snake on the front step, doing his best to look and sound threatening so those two big "predators" didn't eat him!

Our garden is growing well; the sun-loving plants are finally getting some weather more to their liking. We have been eating radishes, spinach and lettuces for awhile:

More recently supplemented by strawberries and red raspberries (swoon):

The broccoli and cabbage, new for us this year, are forming heads:

And the tomatoes and potatoes are blossoming:

While I'm cleaning out the bearded iris bed and watering the dahlias that came up, the white flag stands tall and proud over the island bed. I don't like where the clump is because it is all out of proportion for its location, but at this time of year it fills a void between the spring and summer flowers.

That's it for now at . . .

Michelle - these are some beautiful photos of your garden - looks like you've gotten quite the bounty! Love the photo of the snake doing his/her grout impersonation! Thanks for sharing your life with us today. Take care, from KY. And, yes, after viewing your wonderful posting from yesterday, I will start doing some research on-line of Shetlands. 8-)
Neat, neat posts I have been catching up on, Michelle! It was so good to see you - and I still can feel those hugs! :)
We came back to hot, hot weather and fire dangers all around. We're on our toes, hoping winds don't pick up or change.
I was amazed to find that one of Wally's sons is a doctor here in Flag! I will have to chat with him more as I found out he lived all around this area. Nice man.
Thanks for everything. Next year, maybe we can all meet at BSG again - without car, truck, health problems, eh?
Thanks, dear friend.
We have a lot of snakes this year as well! I love the picture of him/her in the grout.
Your garden looks GREAT! Ours was a little stunted by the cool/wet weather. Your strawberries are beautiful!
Nice photos, (as usual)! Love the snake shot in the "grout". Unfortunately for us, we DO have the venomous kind--rattlers. Not very many where we are though thank goodness. I don't mind the non poisenous kind, but haven't seen those on our property,just the occasional rattler.
Love that snake! But oh, I'm salivating over your berries. I want so badly to reach into the monitor and pluck some raspberries - they are gorgeous! All I have on hand is the rest of a store-bought canteloupe and some packaged blueberries! They just won't taste right after seeing your photos.....
Nancy in Iowa
Enjoyed hearing about your snake story. Snakes make me totally squeamish, but hearing of him through your words, he's more friendly-sounding rather than ominous. I won't hurt a snake, but will definitely go out of my way to try and avoid them. Jackson's doing his job! I haven't seen even one snake yet this year around our place, but have to admit I liked your pics of Mr. Snake and his clever tactics to avoid the dogs. Your garden looks berry plants have lots of berries, but none are ripe yet. I'm picking up my strawberries today - don't forget yours!
The veggies look lovely, but those strawberried look wonderful! Everything is looking good.
Your garden is fabulous! You make it look easy and I know it's not. That's one lucky snake for the Michelle rescue. Great grout impersonation!
That 2nd shot of the snake is really neat. And your garden pix are fantastic!
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