Yesterday Jeannie came out to visit Banjo, and make her final decision on which wether would join him when he moves to Santiam Shetland Sheep's fiber flock. While she loves the bright-white luster of Barry, and the rich, bittersweet chocolate color of Bardas, in the end she decided the twins should stay together and chose Bodhran. (It helps that he is smooth-polled like Banjo; heads without pokey things are nicer to snoggle with.) They will join the six Shetlands already at Santiam and two more ewe lambs coming from Wally. And all because she fell in love with Boo and Beau at Black Sheep Gathering last year.... :-)
Bodhran will need a little "alteration" before the move, and Rick wanted to wait to do that until after our big Fourth of July horse-camping trip so we can be here to oversee his convalescence. Bodhran is such a tail-wagging lover-boy that a fiber pet home is perfect for him - and there isn't a more perfect fiber pet home out there than Jeannie's and Duane's!
That leaves three sheep still available to good homes: Dinah (6-year-old white ewe), Barry (her 2010 wethered white son), and Bardas (Katie's dark brown ramling with head-spotting). Let me know if you're interested!
That's it for now from . . .
Congratulations on finding a great home for some of your lambs. Good luck with the few remaining :)
Lucky Banjo and Bodhran!
That is such a great picture.
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