Here; let me turn the light on for you.

Yes, we have arranged our presents to accommodate the 'coon cop's favorite look-out post. "Grrr; gotta watch those thievin' varmits." Maybe Jackson will get his wish and nab one on Christmas Eve! Or not....
That's it for now at . . .

Hi Michelle,
So my blog was removed from the internet by blogger.com for MALWARE. I retyped my last blog entry from early this morning to a temporary new site at http://schoonoverfarms.blogspot.com/
Aussie Dog looks very ready to catch any varmits ;-)
Wizz :-)
Funny! Trying having a Christmas tree with a cat around. They'll rearrange things themselves! :)
We don't have anything under our tree because the tree isn't up yet! Hopefully we can get the floor done because I'm ready for Christmas!
Sigh, I'm with Leigh - I'll be happy just to get the tree put up. So far, it's still in its box. That's what law school exams do to a person's holiday plans!
Too Cute! Just explain the difference between coons and reindeer before Christmas Eve rolls around1
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