Yes indeedy. We are finally making the move from clear and COLD to wet and less cold, passing briefly through freezing rain. Thankfully, not a lot of the latter, just enough to make things beautiful before melting off. This week our weather is forecast to return to its regularly scheduled programming. I must admit I haven't missed the mud, but it was nice to put away all the extension cords and tank heaters/heated buckets this morning!

Friday afternoon the sky looked like this, and the news from Eugene, where freezing rain was already falling, was full of automobile accidents. (I hope my friends further south survived that unscathed!) We awoke to just a little freezing rain on Sabbath morning and got to church and back just fine; enough more fell last night that we were glad we had no need to venture out today. So I am inside finishing Christmas cards, baking bread, and making Christmas goodies while Rick and Brian string Christmas lights on the house. I have a few more Christmas presents to wrap and some to package up for mailing, too. I suppose I should have Christmas music playing, but I've been enjoying the quiet! I hope you are getting to enjoy just what you would like today as well.
That's it for now from . . .
Lovely crisp wintery pictures.
Wizz :-)
Oh my word...."put away the heated buckets" nearly made me cry. It'll be a good 3 months before I can even THINK of unplugging the buckets, let alone putting them away. Sigh....
What Claire said!!!
Our weather too is returning to its normal self which means I'll have muddy dog tracks in the house soon. I missed the third Sunday of Advent today because I was too chicken to drive in this mess - bummer. I read my reflections by myself on the sofa this morning. Not the same. I'll be glad to be back to normal.
"Heated buckets"? Wow. where were they when I was breaking ice and hauling water on the farm? Sure could have used them then.
Beautiful photos! Thank you!
Yup...Claire and Nancy hit it on the head. The plug-ins are all up and running here. With snow and cold weather we've had lately, they've been a godsend, except the Shetlands go and eat the snow. Trouble is they can't eat all 30+ inches of it fast enough. :)
Although we're forecast for 40s weather, it'll be a while before we see anything close to "mild".
Oh yikes we are worried about the weather! We are coming to Depoe Bay Sunday the 27th after church service. Maybe we will call you to see how the roads are...our pastor and his wife will be on this holiday with us and a dear couple we have known for so long. Looking forward to some respite after a hectic holiday season....
Wishing you the blessings of the season from the cozy cottage to your little beautiful haven. Thank you for all the beautiful glimpses I have had through the windows of your world this year...I pop by often and today I wanted you to know that! Misses Peach reminds you that "Happiness is quality not quantity" so can we eat more than one truffle or not?
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