Rick's mom is snowed in with Rick's sister and her family in Lincoln, NE; my sister and her husband enjoyed an unheard-of white Christmas in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex, and we enjoyed a
bright Christmas - crisp, cold, and clear - in the sunny Northwest!

We had a lovely day. It started with just the three of us opening presents, eating breakfast and doing chores together Christmas morning. The girls are enjoying their clean, refurbished henhouse (on Thursday Rick cleaned the coop, put down floor vinyl and fresh bedding, installed a couple proper perches, and put a slanting top on the nest boxes to keep the hens from roosting there) - so much so that they gave us five beautiful eggs today! (That's high production for this time of year.) The sheep girls enjoyed their fresh minerals and water (Inky was behind me eating her extra ration), and the horses all got a Christmas treat of apples. Around noon we joined good friends to feast on Christmas dinner and spend the afternoon socializing, playing (the kids), singing (Rick took his guitar) and knitting (I cast on that gift hat and my friend Pam is working on her very first sock). I really can't think of anything that could have made the day more pleasant. None of our relatives could be present, but we connected with almost all our immediate family on the phone sometime during the day to express our love. We have so very much to be thankful for!
That's it for now at . . .
Sound like a perfect way to spend a Christmas.
Can Rick come and do my coop the same way?
Sounds like a wonderful day :)
Thank you so much for the pear butter, it is scrumptious! Merry Christmas Michelle and family, and Happy, Happy New Year!
Friends are family that we chose and so they count! Yeah for cheap long distance rates. We gave our phone a work-out too. Christmas came and went. My head is still spinning!
What a wonderful day. The chickens though so too with 5 eggs! Hope your friend Pam enjoys her fist sock. They are so fun to knit I think.
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