I had hoped to make more progress on my socks on the Cowboy Camp Meeting trip, but discovered after knitting on the way up that I'd dropped a stitch in the sole - several rows back. Not sure of what to do except capture that little loop, I grabbed the only thing in my knitting bag small enough to work - a U-shaped cable needle - and snagged it. Then I set my knitting aside until I could send out an SOS. To my surprise I discovered I had a smidgeon of cell phone reception up in the mountains, so I was able to call for help sooner rather than later. it was Melanie (my twin-separated-at-birth and sock mentor) to the rescue! She explained how to pick up the dropped stitch, but I didn't have a small enough crochet hook along to do the job so there was no further knitting until we got home. Once I had the proper tool, I was able to do as Melanie instructed with flawless results; another knitting skill conquered! (This knitting business can be very empowering sometimes. :-)
That's it for now at . . .

I asked Jo one time how to pick up a stitch; that is one reason I dont knit anything, Im scared to death of dropping stitches which I do all the time when practicing. I still dont know how to do it, but I was awed by her knowledge of knitting and the ease at which she just casually dropped a stitch and knitted a few more stitches, just to show me how to pick one up! Thats confidence in your skill :)
I need a class in "frogging" (what Lois calls reverse knitting 'cause you "rip-it, rip-it, rip-it") myself. I don't know how to pick things up again after ripping. Maybe Kelly can show me when she comes.
Not much going on here - fiber-wise - either. It's too hot and with no a/c we just lay low until evenings when the temps cool off. Oi!
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