Besides flowers, there were bugs:

And morning and evening services in the big tent:

With music:

Children's stories:

Special features:

And even some baptisms:

And, of course, lots of riding in stunning surroundings:

Did I hear someone wonder aloud whether I still have sheep? Never fear, Shetlands will show up soon.
That's it for now at . . .

Thanks for sharing, what a blessing to be surrounded by so much of creation!
Wow, it looks beautiful there! What a wonderful treat to be able to gather like that and ride your horses. I love that last picture--where the horses and riders come in all shapes and sizes. Priceless to be able to spend time like that.
That final photo is of one family! They have four homeschooled kids, the youngest of which is Brian's best friend. They haul everything up in two rigs, pulled by semi tractors. Dad is the Portland Trailblazers dentist that gets us tickets sometimes.
Looks like you had a wonderful time!!
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