Last night while doing chores, a solution for lonely Blackberry came to mind. Dinah was his intended for this fall in my original breeding plans, so why not put them together? The worst that could happen is December lambs (or finding out that Blackberry isn't fertile); the best-case scenario is that he'll thrive, my Miss Piggy will lose a little weight since I don't grain boys, and they will make beautiful lambs together.

I also found a solution for my "spinning tutorial" yarn, a 14-ounce skein spun from the
various kinds of fiber dear friend Kathy sent me when I was first learning to spin. Plying each fiber on itself and joining them all in alternating light and dark colors seemed a good idea at the time, but I've been unsure how best to knit it up ever since. Last night I was browsing through the many lovely patterns of
Garnstudio/DROPS Design, and found
this pattern. I think it may be just the ticket - I'll have a shawl to showcase not only my "zebra yarn" but also my copper ram pin from Romi! I'm going to resist casting on until I finish my socks, but plan to wash the skein soon; the record-setting heat we're having this week is perfect yarn-drying weather!
Here's a win/win solution. I was asked to design a brochure for a
new business a client had opened. Being short on cash the client asked if I'd be interested in trading out part of their bill, and I agreed. Although canine rehabilitation is the business' focus, they also do grooming and boarding, and bath-virgin Jackson had some major mats (I've cut some out, but always worry that I'm going to knick him). So today during Brian's violin lesson, Jackson got primped and pampered/tormented and tortured (depending on who you ask). He was so glad to see me when I first arrived to pick him up that I got a full toothy smile, instead of his usual lopsided grin - I think he thought he'd been left at Git-Mo to rot in prison! Here he is in all his sparkling, fluffy glory, a sticker pulled out from between his toes and everything:

Before leaving town I had to make a couple bank deposits; he got dog biscuits at both drive-throughs. Then he relaxed in front of the AC until we got home,

where he could relax on the cool tile of the laundry room. Getting pretty is exhausting business!

Finally, I have to show off my new Keens. My sister has sung the praises of this brand so I tried some on at the local shoe store. They felt great, but I've never spent that much on a pair of leather dress shoes or high-end running shoes, much less casual sandals. So I've been prowling eBay, and scored these. They arrived in the mail today, and I'm wearing them around the house. My feet are happy, happy, happy!
That's it for now at . . .
Isnt amazing how good they seem to feel after they get a bath? Zip starts acting like a puppy again, he's almost 12. He HATES going in though. He always listens to me when we take him somewhere, with the exception of the groomer; its the only time I have to use a leash, otherwise he will get right back in the car :)
Loved the yarn!! I think it will look very pretty with that shawl pattern.
Those are some crazy looking shoes! I'm sure they are nice and comfy in this HOT weather.
What type of wool is in the yarn? Your shawl will be very pretty!
Shannon, if you click on the red link "various kinds of fiber" it will take you to the post that lists all the fiber samples my friend sent me.
Part of the reason I was so keen to get Keens are those covered toes; they look so much safer for someone accident-prone like me! Can you believe this heat? We so rarely run the air conditioner at all, and here it is running at 10 p.m.!
Cute sandals! I'm a Teva fan myself - their mushy flip flops are my constant summer companion. If you walk a lot (or if you run), it's well worth it to go to a specialty store, have your gait checked and get fitted for running shoes that support you properly, fit you properly and don't cause pain, blisters, etc. And the proper socks make a huge amount of difference, too. Can you tell that I know whereof I speak? :-) Yes, they cost a lot, but it costs more to be hobbled with blisters, believe me.
Love the yarn!!
Jackson looks SO pretty ~ er, I guess I should say "handsome"!
Bella has never had a bath either. And I do notice she's got little matts on her naked tummy and upper thigh area. She doesn't like me to brush there!
I do so love our 'tri-colored' beauties...
Nancy, I call Jackson "pretty," too; the prettiest dog I've ever had! Jackson had mats between his thighs, too (and behind his ears). Now that they are gone, the gal told me I need to brush there every day to keep them from forming again. She uses a wire slicker brush (I turned mine into a wool tool so need to pick up another one).
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