Monday, December 01, 2008

I'm claiming victory on a technicality

Last night before the clock struck midnight, I finished all the knitting on my NaKniSweMo project. All that's left to do is sewing seams and weaving ends. This project, like all new challenges, has taught me a lot and greatly increased my knitting comfort level. And Brian should be able to wear it this winter and next.

Last night I began to think Rick and Brian were not going to get a tree, because Rick got busy putting up more lights. I realized when I took the photo of the decorated maple that quite a bit of sunset color was showing through the fog that had lingered all day. God's decorations always make the manmade ones pale in comparison, don't they?

But as you can see, we DID get a tree - and I DID end up going along. Rick pointed out that he couldn't carry a tree by himself. I stayed in the truck and let him and Brian choose, and was surprised they ended up with a noble fir. The process went much more quickly than when I am involved in choosing; we were in and out of the tree farm in 14 minutes flat!

That's it for now from . . .


Tammy said...

Your project turned out really nice. Congrats on getting it done! That tree is very pretty, and looks huge. The treeskirt is great too. I love the blue lights! We got our first 'real snow' here, so it's beginning to look allot like Christmas here too..through none of my help. ha

Joanna@BooneDocksWilcox said...

love your critter pics. Yes, make the chicken calendar. In your photo. you look just like one of my SIL's, cute.

thecrazysheeplady said...

The two dusk pictures are incredible! Beautiful tree too ;-)

Kathy said...

Congratulation on the project! Now...when are you going to model it? ;)
Beautiful pictures, Michelle! You are so very far ahead of me it isn't funny.
Hugs from a bit south and a little east...

Nancy K. said...

Your tree is GORGEOUS!!!

white_lilly said...

Congratulations on finishing your knitting project, it looks Great!
Your sunset photos are beautiful and your tree looks perfect can't wait to see it decorated :)

Gone2theDawgs said...

almost makes winter worth while....Christmas lights...tree....natural winter beauty...

Love the sweater, I hope Brian can wear it for quite awhile before outgrowing it!!

melanie said...

It all looks stunning...

Pamela said...

Oh my! Those foggy sunset pictures are gorgeous! Such delicate color. Absolutely stunning.

~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

Pretty tree!

Heather said...

I love the colour of the sunset through the fog - yep, God really can outdo us, can't He?

country girl said...

Wonderful sweater and tree. I liked your comment about how it takes less time to pick the tree when you are along. My husband might agree with that on picking out a lot of things.

A :-) said...

Lights, Trees, Christmas!!

That is one fine looking tree! :-)