We were out of bread, so I made a batch this evening. Right after I took the loaves out of the oven, I caught Jackson with his front paws up on the counter, sniffing a loaf. I hollered and gave him a good swat, making a mental note not to give THAT loaf to the neighbors. I was pleased to have caught him in the act of counter-surfing, assured he would learn his lesson, smart dog that he is. Fast forward two hours. I stepped into the garage to ask Rick a question, and when I stepped back in, that *)%(&^%* dog had carried a loaf into the living room and bolted down most of it! I happened to have a large, empty brown paper grocery bag in my hand, so I descended upon him with fury, assaulting him noisily but painlessly with it. Now he's banished to his crate in the basement and I'm hoarse and minus a loaf of bread. Turkey.
That's it for now from . . .

Gotta love 'em!
perhaps he was lacking something in his diet that day....I would take his eating the bread as a compliment to good cooking:)
I'm starting to have that problem with my Biard, Mitcham. He's going to be able to eat off the counters, coffee table and wherever else he chooses. I was spoiled with Corgis as they can't hardly get their feet up on the coffee table! My food is no longer safe. I feel your frustration!
Wow...must be good bread Michelle! :-) He ate most of the load WITHOUT butter even...;-) I know how you feel though. When Boone tours the house in the evening he usually comes back with something in his mouth. Usually not food, but something like a stuffed animal, pillow or throw. I got really spoiled with cats--the cats I've had for the last 15 years rarely if ever jumped up on the cabinets or tables etc. Now Sage is everywhere--the higher the better. Nothing is safe, no matter how much he gets in trouble...all he has to do is wait me out. Love the hoarse voice and 'attack of the paper bag'!
Well, you have to admit he has good taste!
Sorry about the bread Michelle! Our Aussie is a sneaky one too. He knows darn well he's not supposed to eat the cat food, but if I don't remember to put it up onto the counter before I use the bathroom, he's right there scarfing it down. I'm sure your noisy assault with the bag was enough to teach Jackson a lesson. Our Ozzie is especially sensitive to loud noises. Gee, I wish I was your lucky neighbor!
We are lucky to have these neighbors! In the summer they share their abundant garden produce and Brooks prunes, and my long crescent iris bed is courtesy of the husband, who brought over the corms he had thinned out of their bed AND helped me plant them all! His wife has had shingles since Thanksgiving and still feels bad, so I know she's not up to cooking.
'm not your neighbor. heeheehee
We have a cat that does the same thing. In fact she did it to us last night. *sigh* At least it's not something that will be really bad for them. Small blessings.
Oops...poor Jackson, it was just too tempting :) I will never forget the night that I walked into the kitchen to find Paisley walking on the counters!!! I haven't found her on the counter since, but she still likes to jump up and see if there is anything there. Naughty dogs ;)
Will you be having hot dog for dinner for New Years eve? :)
Happy new year. :)
Fresh loaf of bread! How dare you leave that kind of temptation out for Jackson! :)
Kylie has just started to get to the point of counter surfing. I have verbally corrected her a couple of times...if I DO catch her snagging something off the counter I will be setting her up.....set mouse traps under a piece of newspaper...treat on top. Has worked for me with a couple of different dogs. :)
Shhhh! Not so loud! I had to cover Celeste's eyes while I read this. Don't tell her this, but she hasn't figured out that I can't see her in every part of the apartment yet. So far, she hasn't stolen anything, but I catch her looking longingly at the dining room table every so often.
Hey, here's a trick that works for grown dogs. (little dogs and really pointy nose dogs might get hurt)
Get a small mouse trap and set it, place it on the edge of the counter. Their noses are too big to get "caught" but it makes a big scary noise, and tries to "get" them.
I don't put bait on the trap, just set it in front of something tempting and walk out of the room....when you hear the SNAP!
Run in with your paper sack and whallop the heck out of em. Cause you know it IS SOOOO painful lol.
I always whapped Sheila (Aussie- Border collie mix) with a dish rag when she was little. You'de think she was being beaten to death with a torture device, wimp.
Our Cove does this on RARE occasion... if I've made banana nut muffins, or bread. He's OBSESSED with banana nut to a freakish extent.
It's SO annoying, esp since I'm not a huge fan of baking, so when I do bake, it's a 'big task' in my eyes, so I don't like to have to deal with loosing hard work to a disrespectful trouble-maker. ;)
This is one plus to stubby dogs... counter surfing is a HUGE challenge for them ;) I really have to agree with Garrett. My Cardis are easier to 'train'! heehee
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