Yesterday Rick helped me give all the sheep their CD&T shots and clean out the sheepfold. When he saw Braveheart harrassing one of his girls out in the pasture, Rick said, "You've got to get him out of there or he's going to stress your ewes enough to make them lose lambs." I was trying to stall until Willard got here to keep Braveheart company, but Rick's comment pushed me to action. I decided a stressed ram is better than stressed ewes, so this morning I kept Braveheart in and turned all the girls out to pasture together - including Bella and Brava. They got along great. (Below, left to right: Valentine, Brava, Rechel, Bella, and Dinah.)

That's it for now at . . .

That is a beautiful photo! You should print a high res version and frame it. Your sheep are really beautiful and you're going to have some wonderful fiber to spin from them :-)
I have a pair of combs you can try if you'd like, I enjoy using them very much and have used them on shetland, but I am enamored with my drum carder right now and the combs are in the corner feeling neglected :)
If I had a yard like that!!! Wow, very nice. I agree with ...the above poster lol, you should frame that, maybe even enter it into your local fair this year in the digital photo class. Very pretty!
Great photos! Bella's fleece looks a bit like Cookie's, a cross between primitive and modern. Since I don't like combs either, I suppose I'll wash and drumcard it as usual. I'm lazy, what can I say?
I wish that I'd been able to buy Bella! I think she is SO beautiful. I really would love to have a grey ewe....
She looks like she's smiling!!
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