I was planning to post an update on Jackson this week, but last night added impetus. When Rick came in from doing nighttime chores, he said, "Jackson needs a bath; Russell decided to roll him." Apparently my horse, who has heretofore shown no animosity towards our pup, suddenly took issue with a dog's presence in his paddock. Rick said Russell dove at Jackson face first and then spun around to kick him with his heels, but didn't connect solidly. Jackson was on his back in a corner, ki-yi-ing as only a hurt and terrified puppy can, when Rick intervened and soundly reprimanded Russell for his aggression. Thankfully, Jackson shows no sign of injury, AND I was able to get him cleaned up without the struggle of a tub bath. Even though this puppy is a handful and keeping ahead of the damage to person and property that his incessant chewing and biting can do is a full-time job, I'd hate to lose my jogging buddy.

That's it for now at . . .

Hee hee - I know where you got that last Jackson quote. :)
I'm so glad that Jackson wasn't hurt! That could have been such a tragedy!!
He's growing into a very handsome boy. I know what you mean about the chewing and destruction though. Bella has a house full of chew toys but still manages to get at things she's not supposed to. I was surprised to find, last week, however, that she's actually better if I leave her LOOSE in the house, with Sadie, when I'm going to be gone for a long time. It seems part of the problem was being shut away by herself. Of course, the other time that she's good at getting into something that she's not supposed to have is when I'm on the computer! I swear, she actually comes and GETS me ~ to let me know she's done something wrong. Talk about wanting attention....
So glad to hear Jackson came out of his ordeal fine! He will have a healthy respect for horses from now on, I'm sure. My first collie, Hanna, was such a lover--everything was her friend. One day while I was in the chicken house, my horse, Lady (who was very sweet too) accidentally stepped on Hanna's foot, and Hanna snapped out in pain and fear. That led to Lady trying to kick the snot out of her, and Hanna still biting back. Before I could even turn around twice, Hanna was trying to bite Lady, Lady was still kicking at Hanna and then Mara, my other Collie girl dove in to drive off the bad, bad horse.. And these were all nice even sweet tempered critters! No harm besides a very sore foot for Hanna was done. But for the rest of her life Hanna would not go near Lady or cows. So things can happen so fast! On another note---Jackson is really getting a looong nose! Not quite collie length, but still longer than I expected.:-)
Take care,(you too Jackson!)
Two or our dogs are always running into the horse pen to pick up dung (ugh) the horses dont seem to mind but it is always a possibility that one of the dogs will rub one of the old girls wrong and get kicked so I always yell for them to get out of the pen.
Jackson is growing so fast!
He is so cute I can hardly stand it! Glad he wasn't really hurt.
Jackson really does remind me of a black-tri collie we had when I was a teenager. She didn't have the extremely long, narrow head of a show collie; it was a bit more wedge-shaped. But Jackson's "white side" profile makes his nose look longer than usual, and it also makes his nose look "dished" -- and it's not! Optical illusion....
I've got the scar to show what a nasty jealous mare does when she bites one who has carrots for another horse - I feel for Jackson! And I love the ears falling to the middle number!
Thanks for the fun post; that dog melts my heart, what a sweet face. Glad he didn't get hurt, & hopefully he'll remember this!
I keep coming back to look at Jackson, he is so cute it just gets all over me! His eyes are really neat, what color are they?
wow Michelle Jackson is growing SO FAST! What on earth are you feeding him?!
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