...except in regards to all things tax-related, personal and business. But let's not dwell on those extremely-necessary-but-unpleasant tasks here, okay?
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Caught this brief glimpse of blue on my way to work Monday |
Poppy and I started another session of agility classes last night after a break for the holidays. If I'd known she was going to do so well, I would have solicited someone to video our runs! Instead, I'll share a video of 'what she did (learned) over her Christmas break,' and some perky poses from this morning:
I finished the POF cotton I was spinning and chose something more colorful for my next project. A Jenkins Gooney and more than 6 oz of roving fit in my Christmas party prize lunchbox!
That's it for now from . . .
That first picture you took on your way to work Monday makes me think of the phrase "big sky country!" Such a joy to see Leo zooming around the yard. If you only could have had a video made of his bath time in the sink!
Ha ha I remember when we had out last set of dogs, and the mud and the black and white hall floor, and how I got what I thought was a special mat to absorb mud. Anyway one day it will all dry and be summer.
Bath time wasn't pretty, Mama Pea!
Marlane, I do worry about how Leo will do when it's hot and dry, given his energy level, breed and associated problems. He might need to be hosed off then to cool down! Wish I could comment on your blog, but I still can't get past the "Sign In With Google" part.
LOVE the lunch box! :-D
love to see Leo doing his zoomies. what a cutie :) and Poppy does a really nice rollover!
Is the sign in with google something that is on my end or yours ? Is it something that I can fix. I was wondering why no comments as you usually do comment. At least Leo has short hair, and hopefully will go in the shade if he got too hot in the summer. I am also on facebook if you wanted to friend me with more or less the same posts as my blog. Marlane Brenner
Another vote for that lunchbox!! Mine had Zorro on it - and I was teased quite a bit for having a "boy's" lunchbox. I didn't care. I LOVED Zorro! :-D
Sara, you'd love it even more if you saw the front. It's the logo for the Heart of the Valley Dressage show!
Leo is such a happy fellow, Denise. And Poppy's roll-overs are still a work-in-progress, but getting better!
It is on your blog, Marlane. If I try to comment, I get the message that I need to sign in with Google, but try as I might, I can find no way to do that successfully. And I'm not really a consumer of FB....
Ok let me look and see what to do with the google sign in.
I looked and changed the google sign in to " let everyone sign in" so maybe I have fixed it.
Oh, phooey! I thought I had made a comment on this. Well here goes!
I got a big chuckle out of Leo dashing back and forth - the mud was building up, each time. I would have done the same as you did - into the kitchen sink! Our dogs have all been small enough to do that. Of course, the Shih Tzu, who was bigger, had front feet in one sink and hind feet in the other! Poppy is really impressive, being able to do the roll in both directions. She must be smarter than ours were, where they could only roll in one direction. Poppy is so beautiful!
I love your lunchbox! My daughter and I both use them. I even have a green and gray one, which is from the late 40's. They are so handy!
Can you post a picture of the top of the lid? The roving you're going to spin next, is really lovely!
Jeanne, Poppy learned the first direction easily, but really struggled with the second direction before finally getting it. She still offers the first direction she learned first, every single time. I'll try to remember to post a photo of the front of the lunchbox; I love it! But I'm not actually using it for this spin, because I switched to a bigger spindle that doesn't fit.
Loved the dog movie. How happy Leo is with you guys.
Back again! I'm not at all surprised about Poppy learning to do the roll-over more easily one way than the other. I could see that she had more problems with doing it the second way. I think they are like people in so many ways. Have you ever notices that dogs and cats favor using one paw rather than the other? With the many dogs we have had over the years, all but one were left-pawed! And Chica, our big kitty, is also left-pawed!
I found your latest blog post a little while ago.
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