Tragedy struck this morning, and apparently it's all my fault, making the heartbreak doubly hard to bear. Poppy and I went down to do chores this morning, but she didn't follow me up to the house or come when I called. Not unusual; often she wants to hunt longer than it takes to do chores. I didn't linger; I needed to get ready to go to Rick's clinic. I told Rick to get Poppy inside first if he left before me; he went looking for her and found her IN the chicken coop, tearing feathers off dear Lottie, my friendly, laying pullet. He secured Poppy and then scooped up Lottie. At first he thought she was dead, but ascertaining differently, he gave her a steroid injection and tried to get a little glucose into her. We put her in a crate so I could take her to the clinic for observation, but she died on the way.
There was no hole dug under the fence, so Poppy must have slipped in unnoticed when I was filling a waterer. What else is a terrier to do when locked in the henhouse/run? I'm sure she checked for mice under the nest boxes first, but then the lure of those fluttering birds she has been soooo interested in (especially the white ones) surely overcame her. All the others are unscathed which is a small miracle; the terrier mix of my early adolescence would have slaughtered as many as possible. But still; Lottie.
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Poppy before chores |
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Poppy 'in the doghouse' at the clinic (not really but she knew I was upset) |
No eggs today at . . .
I'm so sorry to read Of Lottie's passing.
perhaps ms. Poppy can wear Swiss cow bells!!!
And be reminded that it's a very good thing she's cute.
Truly sorry Michelle.
sending a hug.
She's lost two little bells I've put on her collar. Usually the jingling of her rabies tag and the extra little ring (from the last lost bell) make enough sound for me to locate her, but I couldn't tell where she was this morning – and didn't take the time to track her down. :'-( I feel SO bad for my trusting white pullet!
Oh, Michelle! What a heartbreak. I am so, so sorry. Please don't be too hard on yourself. Bad things will always happen. Even when we're trying hard and doing our best; bad things happen. It's the way of life as we know it. Sending you a big cyber hug this morning.
Oh no!!
How awful for everyone! And one really can’t fault Poppy either - just doing what come naturally I am guessing.
My sister has a comment she makes frequently - “I hate nature.” She and I have very soft hearts for ALL creatures - domestic and wild - and even find nature shows sometimes hard to watch.
So very sorry for this loss.
We love 'em for what they are, and sometimes we don't like what they are either.
When I lived across the street from a golf course, the sign on the tee made me grin and refocus every morning when I drove to work. It said, "To improve play look ahead, not behind." I live by those words every day.
With the crops newly out of my fields, the raccoons made a field trip from the woods to my chicken coop 2 nights ago. They got all 3 of my old hens. Three seems to be a theme.
Cheers anyway,
My heart truly skipped a beat at first when I thought you had lost Poppy! Losing any animal (or feathered friend) is tough, but it could have been worse and I'm sure you know that. Forgive yourself of the blame as it will make you super-vigilant in the future.
When we had our beloved 90 pound Bouvier, Max, who lived to be 14, we did everything we could possibly think of to break him of the habit of chasing and killing chickens. But nothing ever worked. One day a chicken got out of her fenced in area and I saw Max take off after her. Max tackled the chicken, I tackled Max. It was a quick death for the chicken and Max was in house arrest for a prolonged stay. :o(
Oh, I'm so sorry. It's hard when our pets revert to their original natures. Let's hope that Poppy doesn't develop any obsessions with the rest of the flock.
Oh, Michelle! I'm so very sorry. It's really hard to believe that this happened! My heart breaks for you! If you weren't so far way, I'd come and give you a hug or two.
It's just hard to believe that sweet Poppy would do that.
It's so difficult to forgive yourself, but please try.
Jeanne 💖
Thanks for your kind words, Leigh.
I'm with you and your sister, Elaine; not a big fan of most 'nature' shows. "Nature" was created to exist peacefully together, and I look forward to when it will do that again in heaven!
I'm not blaming Poppy, Tim, just myself for letting her slip in and not noticing. I think she was mostly playing – vigorously, like the 30# ball of muscles and energy that she is. So sorry for your three hens; it would be been far less painful if Poppy had chosen one of my old hens to "play" with....
The described scene playing out in my mind brought a chuckle, Mama Pea, although I KNOW it was traumatic for you at the time!
Sue, Poppy has been obsessed with the pullets since I brought them home – much more so than she is in the old hens. I don't know why.
Not hard to believe, Jeanne, just hard to take. (And I'd take those hugs!)
Oh Man. :-( I'm sorry to hear this news. I, too, initially thought something might have happened to Poppy so I'm glad she's OK. But I know you will miss Lottie.
Thank you, A. Yes, I miss Lottie (and her beautiful pullet bullets) but knowing I caused her death by not noticing Poppy slipping in is even worse. But losing Poppy would leave a vastly larger hole in my heart and life, so I, too, am thankful she's okay.
Oh Poppy... oh chickens... It's so hard when our furry friends do things we wish they wouldn't do. It's a disturbing thing, but sometimes these things happen. We sigh and shake our heads, but somehow we accept it and move on and keep on loving them through it. Much love and hugs!
How sad for you. Much love.
I am slow catching up on blogs but so sad to hear about Lottie. I know what it is like to make an unintended mistake and have a beloved animal die. We are only human (and dogs are only dogs). My sympathies.
Poor Lottie, poor Poppy, and poor you. Maybe some larger "reindeer bells" to sew onto Poppy's coats could help. I bet she was so confused at you being upset because she was just playing. And poor Lottie. :-( *hugs*
Welcome, Adriene; so nice to 'meet' you through your comment! Your understanding, love and hugs are appreciated.
Thank you, Dormouse.
I know you understand, Donna; thank you.
Kat! You are the SECOND 'long-lost blog pal' I have gotten a comment from in one day! So happy to receive 'proof of life' and hope you catch me up on things in your corner someway soon. As for the reindeer bells, I don't leave a coat on Poppy when she goes outside for several reasons, so couldn't affix them to it.
so sorry about Lottie. (hugs)
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