Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fog, fungi and fecundity

Dozer making like Garfield in the slanting sun
It's sunny now, but this morning looked like this:
October is our foggiest month
We've only had fog a couple mornings so far, and no precipitation, so it seems very odd indeed that these are popping up in the dry sand of the arena:

Another cute contradiction I spotted this morning:
Flowers and a fall leaf –plus plenty of weed seeds!
As for fecundity, this morning I found myself pondering the possibility of putting Sarai and Bunker together in some sort of honeymoon suite. It is so hard to restrain myself from producing any 2013 lambs! Fortunately, my limited facilities do the restraining for me.

That's it for today from . . .


Tombstone Livestock said...

It has been a strange summer, hope winter stays to the normal side .... it has been cloudy here all day, but not supposed to get any measurable rain.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Your fog is lovely!

Deb W said...

But didn't you find Bloom (?) a new home? doesn't that leave room for one more?

Michelle said...

Starting tomorrow evening, we have a high chance of rain for a few days. That should settle the dust -- and turn it to mud! ;-)

Michelle said...

I do like fog. :-)

Michelle said...

Yes, I sold Bloom but I still have two wethers and a non-breeding ewe who NEED to find homes, and a couple ewes and a ram I could sell as well. No, my facilities are still basically maxxed out, as is Rick's tolerance of growing my flock.

Mary Ann said...

They are talking about heavy storms in Kansas for the weekend, but oh, how we need the rain.

Michelle said...

Us too, Mary Ann. I think I've heard this is our area's driest summer on record.