Well, not panic, exactly. More like stress. Make that S.T.R.E.S.S. Forty-eight hours from now I will be sitting in an airplane waiting for take-off, and I don't have a travel knitting project. Not on the needles. Not off the needles but materials gathered. It's worse than that; I have no ideas and no inspiration! The lightning bolt better strike fast, because I have very little time to wind yarn and swatch before taking off. And trust me. I NEED knitting on this trip. It's my Prozac.
Trying not to hyperventilate at . . .
maybe you need a trip to the local yarn shop, not your own yarn but timesaver at least. Emergency trip? Hope all is well.
Merry Christmas
Socks are always a good travel companion
No, Tombstone, no emergency, just a long weekend in AZ with the in-laws.
Oh Joyce, thank-you; that was just the prompt I needed! I have enough yarn left to make another pair of Duck booties to put in the baby shower gift stash; I'll take that project.
I LOVE those duck booties! Any chance you can share the pattern? After your trip, of course.
Fingerless mitts. Easy, minimal yarn, and really functional results.
Have a Happy Holiday, sis!!!
Grab any skein of bulky yarn and big circular needles. Then just knit in the round to make a cowl/scarf thingy. Use the whole skein. It doesn't get any more "no brainer" than that.
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