(or tried to)
I feel behind in getting out our Christmas greetings this year. The holiday season is zooming along; we've gone to all our usual Christmas parties already, and December 25 is just two short weeks away. This Thursday we fly to Arizona to celebrate early with Rick's family (he's on call for Christmas), and right after we get back my dad and his wife will be stopping by for a short visit. Before we know it, a new year will be on our doorstep - bam!

Right now Rick and Brian are out getting a load of oak firewood from one of Rick's clients. It has been cold, often grey, and unseasonably dry this month, great for getting a few extra outside tasks done. We are thankful to have plenty of wood; even with a fire going non-stop, the house is chilly and my hands and feet are often icy. That makes me want to huddle up, but I feel better (and warmer!) if I get busy and do something active - like ride my horse. The weather will turn wet again all too soon, so I'm riding whenever I can. Not just to take advantage of the weather, but to enjoy Russell while I can. He may very well be moving on to greener pastures before the end of the year. No! Not those greener pastures! But it's still hard. You can read more about that here.
That's it for today from . . .

1 comment:
Those darn printers. Mine currently isn't printing the note pads that I asked him to ;-).
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