It dawned frosty and clear, the fog gone. There is a brisk breeze, blowing in the predicted wet front no doubt. I'll have to bundle up to ride Russell!
The sheep are enjoying this weather:

Inky is still around, no worse than she was this summer. We'll keep her going for as long as she can get up and move around. That's her daughter
Bramble in the
tree sheep jungle gym above, and Marta and Sarai silhouetted beneath a tree at the top. Those two girls came from different Minnesota farms, but became friends on the trip to Oregon and have remained best buds.
That's it for today from . . .
Love the jungle gym photo. It's been sunny and dry here, too. Pretty, but cold!
I don't what to think about this weather. It has been cold and dry. That's not good. We're going to have to take a lot of snow in the next three months to not move into a drought situation. Don't like being snowed in for months on end and don't like living in a drought. The high desert west is a tough gig.
The sun always makes everyone feel better - how old is Inky?
Susan, Inky is 10. Not all that old for a Shetland, but she came to me in tough shape after having produced 15 lambs already. She has produced four more for me - and would have had more, left to her own devices! When she's in heat she's positively slutty....
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