Amorous old Inky is much too thin and arthritic to carry lambs again, so it's a good thing Bart's a wether (with over-active adrenal glands). Ignorance. Bliss.
No lambs were formed during the filming of this production.
That's it for today from . . .

"No lambs were formed..." Ha ha ha... I'm sitting here giggling and hubby is asking what's so funny. Hard to explain.
Thanks for the affirmation, Ruth! :-)
What is Bart's coat description? I have a 2 ewes that have same markings one is Black, one Brown?
Boys... There's been a lot of head banging around here too. Love Bart's bangs.
Tombstone, Bart is a grey (Ag) bersugget in Shetland terms.
Sara, isn't that the cutest little white topknot?
LOL, you can't blame the boy for tryin'.
Gives you pause, though... the urge to check and make really sure he's a wether....
Oh, TRUST me, Franna; I've grilled my vet about the subject, even though I was witness to the deed and there was no mistaking that he got two BIG testes below the bull-band, and both fell off. Bart is the equivalent of a "proud-cut" horse; his adrenal glands have kicked in to replace the missing testosterone like they do in a few castrated males.
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