The loss of leaves was far more dramatic down the south side of our property, where the big maples went from just turning color to mostly naked overnight, covering the lane that leads down to the barn. Unfortunately, there was no time to rake them off so that the client of Rick's who is doing our chores wouldn't be driving on them for over a week; they will be well mashed into the gravel by the time we get back.
That client came over Thursday morning to go over chores; these two lovely girls - littermates - came along for the ride:

We are having a wonderful time down here in the Lone Star State, and I'm taking a boatload of photos. I'll probably put them in a Shutterfly album and put a link to it here. But of course I can't resist serving up a sampler of "only in Texas" snapshots; enjoy!

And yes, there has been some knitting:

That's it for now, a long way from . . .

Ohhhh, I share your weakness for blue heelers. I keep thinking, 'maybe my next dog...'
And thanks for the Texas pictures!
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