From a place up the hill from us. I got permission to pick from this little Bosc pear tree several years ago, and got around to asking again this year. Since the owners don't pick them, SOMEone should! These are my mom's favorite variety of pears, so I'm hoping some will keep for a couple more weeks until we see my folks down in Texas.
I'll be packin' pears from . . .
Someone should indeed! Wonderful that you get to. They look beautiful. Any plans for preserving, or are you going to eat them all?
yum, all the advantages of fresh pears and no work execpt picking, my kinda fruit. Hopefully a few will make it to Texas. Enjoy
The look delicious, one of my favorite fruits and the best thing about them, they were free for the picking! Have a great week.
Oh, those are BEAUTIFUL! I love pears, but don't get them very often. T.
I love pears too but have never tried the Bosc. How would you compare them to Bartlett?
Oh, I'd love to have a Pear Tree!
Leigh, we'll probably eat most of them and I may try dehydrating some.
Tombstone, the Boscs keep well, so I think some will make it!
Sheila and Tina, we are blessed.
Nancy, the Boscs are very sweet, have a firm, almost crisp texture, and NO STONES. (-:
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