Alcyone, folded in half
So close!
We are back from our quick trip to Spokane with lots of good memories - and nary an FO! Not that I didn't knit; Rick graciously drove both directions and almost all I did for those 14 hours was knit. But I ran out of yarn on Alcyone before the end, and while I made progress on Sakaki #2, it's nowhere near the halfway point yet. I am desperately hoping that the 3.5 oz. of yarn a Raveler sent me (shown) will be enough, but I wouldn't bet the farm that it is.
I've sorted through the photos of our trip from my camera, but still need to get some off Rick's camera. In the meantime, I'll share a couple DVDs we watched while at my dad's. Both were just my kind of entertainment; suitable for the family, with happy - but not perfect - endings. I recommend them both!

Wow, I think that triples the number of movies I've seen this year!
Living the simple life at . . .
Glad you had a great trip! I like family movies too. Now get riding! ;)
Thanks, Theresa. Russell is still healing; can't ride him yet. The other three - Rick's ancient, sway-backed cutting horse; Brian's pony; and a psycho, in-bred gelding my husband got for free (we think he's autistic, after watching the movie Temple Grandin) - hold absolutely no appeal.
You are a knitting machine Michelle. Can't wait until you get to see what Garrett is bringing you. :)
Family movies are fun, we now do a family night every Sunday where one person gets to chose what we all do. I've seen Far from home, but not the second movie. I'm glad you had a fun, and obviously productive trip. How is Russell's healing going?
I can't wait to see, either, Kelly! Tomorrow night!!!
Shula, Russell is healing satisfactorily, but since he is healing a fracture this time it takes awhile for the bone to fill in. In another week or so I should be able to start hand-walking him again.
Oh, I hate it when that happens - I hope the extra yarn that you got will see you through to the end.
I have a feeling that I will miss you at BSG unless you are there Friday evening because I'm taking a class from 8:30 - 4:00 on Friday - Spinning Camelid Fibers with Paula Shull - I'll keep my eyes out for you. T.
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