On Friday we had an opportunity to visit the brand new waterpark (the one with the Boeing 747 on top) at the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum at a BIG discount, so I took Brian. When we arrived there was a line,

which got
far longer while we waited.

I took my suit with me, but when I saw the hoards I decided to sit out our visit. The water tubes looked like fun, but people were waiting in line one to two
hours for the privilege of a quick slide to the bottom! The wave pool and other pools looked like moving sardine cans, and the play structure was packed as well. I don't know what the building's maximum capacity is, but I'm positive the attendance exceeded it....
know I had to have a knitting project along just in case. Alcyone was still waiting for more yarn to arrive, so I cast on a second Sakaki - this one with beads (oooh,
shiny! hee).

Friday was also Rick's and my 27th wedding anniversary. We are planning a special date later, but Rick did bring home this beautiful bouquet of peonies for me Friday night.
On Saturday I received a wee bit more yarn from a fellow Raveler for my pale blue small shawl. Unfortunately, it was not enough to get me to the halfway point, so I had to go with Plan B - eliminate a repeat of the pattern on both sides. It should still end up a very wearable size and hey, I'll get done faster this way!

On Sunday I divided my singles from the miniSpinner onto three bobbins, using my Louet for the first time since getting the mS. I dealt with a frustrating number of snarls and breaks while doing that; next time I will
definitely try Navajo plying instead. But it IS fun to see all the colors of this fiber at the end of the center-pull cake:

That's the mix for Monday from . . .
ohhhh lucky you, peonies! I love them. But they don't grow where I live. Thanks for the picture of yours!
We haven't been able to grow them very successfully in the past, and I'm not a fan of their rather messy splaying during bloom season, so I'll let others grow them. My, but they are showy flowers, though!
Congrats on 25 years....which is no small accomplishment. Mike and I celebrate our 9th on Thursday.
Kelly, don't short us two years; we've worked hard for them! ;-)
First of all congratulations on your anniversary, and the peonies are lovely. Mine is just blossoming here, but then the storms shredded them. The idea of a packed water park makes me shudder, I took the children to one last year and the wave pool gave me horrible visions of incidents. I don't blame you for not going in I am glad Brian had fun though.
Ooops again........I can't believe I shorted you 2 yrs. First I get my anniversary wrong and then I throw away 2 or your hard won years of wedded bliss. acchhhh. I'm going to blame it on over work. :)
Congratulations on your 27th Anniversary! I love those peonies too. Mine are still not out of their buds. :)
BTW...this comment box loads so much faster! Not that it is for me, but I'm glad to be able to leave comments now! :)
Thanks for the feedback, Sabrina. I've had two people tell me they can never successfully comment, so I did some investigating. Blogger is having "known issues" with comments, and suggested changing settings to the "pop-up window" for comments. Glad it helps, because I LIKE comments! ;-)
I prefer to tension my three bobbins to Navajo plying and yours sure is pretty. It'll be fun to see how the colors work up.
Happy Anniversary - wow!!
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