This is Lucille, the first of two Red Sex-Link hens that sought refuge at Boulderneigh from the neighbor's insufficient coop. (They were granted citizenship status with permission of said neighbor.) This morning when I opened the henhouse door to open the pop-door, I noticed an egg on the floor under the roosts, which is an occasional occurrence. After I pushed open the pop-door, I turned to pick up the egg, and Lucille was eating it! I swatted her away and picked up the remains. The question is: was it already broken and she just stumbled upon it? Or is she a dreaded egg-eater? The latter might explain why I only got two eggs on Monday.... I will be collecting eggs more frequently and keeping my eye on her. If she ends up being guilty, she's outta here!

In other chicken news, remember this pretty Easter Egger? She went down the hill when she stopped laying last year to live in happy retirement with some people we know. We got hay from those folks on Sunday, and I asked about Ebony. She's gone broody! Nancy said she's quite aggressive about it, too, "growling" at anyone, fowl or human, who comes near her nest. None of our chickens have ever gone broody here - but then again, we don't have a rooster, so what would be the point?
This morning Rick and Brian took off with the pick-up and camper to spend a couple days at Cowboy Campmeeting, sans horses (Rick has to be back for emergency duty over the holiday weekend). Brian was dancing jigs he was so happy to be going camping with dad, and I'm just as happy to stay here and hold down the fort. Of course I have a to-do list while they're gone, but there's some fun stuff on the list - like prepping for Le Tour de Fleece (a spinning 'event' on Ravelry that corresponds with the Tour de France). It starts Saturday, and I'm on four 'teams' - Team Footloose (for Hansen miniSpinner owners), Team Spindlers (for those spinning on spindles of any kind), Team Corgi (for those spinning fibers purchased from
Corgi Hill Farm), and Team My Favorite Sheep (started by blogpal
Sara for 'anyone who has a favorite sheep, wishes they had a favorite sheep or didn’t even know you could have a favorite sheep'). I plan to spin on either or both my mS and my Jenkins spindles every day, spinning up the Corgi Hill fibers I bought for
Taygete, and some as yet to be determined roving from one or more of my own sheep. I'm thinking of spinning either a grey (from Rechel or Bella) or black (from Blackberry or Inky) for yet
another of Romi's shawls; I tell you, those things are like potato chips!
Off to work on my list at . . .